
Just how far down the quality ladder do you think interest in sports should extend?

I kept thinking that joke would get old.

Boo this man!

Maybe that's a joke from the editors.

This was very disappointing.

modern Sesame Street is garbage. It stopped holding my daughter's attention before she turned three, which makes sense, given how young and/or stupid their target audience is now

Not a great episode, but a funny one.

A bit different from those who want to give out lottery tickets to convince people to vote.

That's not a FOX thing. No show like this would go into that. Having the heroes be racists would make people's heads explode.

I'm ok with this.

The show is also, apparently, largely faked.

hahahaha he's in favor of universal suffrage.

Between his hair and his tiny body, Mison looks about 80% larger wearing clothes. Wow, he's scrawny.

It's worse than that: cops some places can tolerate just about any form of corruption and crime from the right people, with one exception: harming cops.

Bullet-proof vests: not a technology that exists in Gotham. Perhaps Batman will invent the technology.

I love the television and movie tradition of multiracial/ethnic mafias and gangs. They're very progressive in Gotham,

Naw, kids like teenagers. Teens like adults.

But while they basically could destroy a forest inside London pretty quickly, the world doesn't have the capacity to do that globally, or the desire.

I'd say that Butters was suggesting they feel guilty for checking out the pictures.

"Gargantuan thicket of madness"