
Police officer: So what’s the problem? They’re charging you for plastic utensils? And you want the contact information for their management?

The cops shouldn’t have been there AT ALL. It should not be the job of the police to settle plastic utensil charge disputes, or any other minor disagreement.

What ever happened to separating both parties, woman outside and employee inside, and getting both sides of a story? Then each cop on scene could contribute 10 cents and tell the Waffle house staff to quit wasting their time, then apologize to the woman for even having to speak to her while explaining that they had to

How do you think to just grab someone and drag them out before even talking to them about the situation? Of course someone is going to resist when you are forcing them out of their seat, it’s human nature to not want to be handled like that. The cops should have arrived on scene, spoken with both parties, let the

yeah I saw this over the weekend before it blew up

In the meantime, Waffle House appears to be siding with the police actions,

Here’s the problem, for anyone not making roughly a quarter million a year, the tax break you’re getting is largely negligble, and short term to boot. It’s simply not really giving back much, and that’s why it’s bullshit.

My soul gets so weary sometimes from being a Black woman in this country. Seriously,what in the entire FUCK? Where were they when that fool was SHOOTING people in Waffle House? Oh my bad, a Black woman asking for utensils to eat the damn food she PAID for is much more of a threat.

Clemons was ultimately charged with disorderly conduct and resisting arrest, Clemons-Howard told the news site.

“We’re going to make them own her,”

Young man? He’s 36.

Yeah damn, I had a big crush on her when she was on Smallville, Lana was mostly annoying, but damn I wanted to kick Clark in the balls whenever he overlooked Chloe. Recruiting for an abusive sex cult, if true, low key or not, is very bad though. Granted I don’t know the whole story, or how she got involved in it.


Fairly sure logic is half black. I know his appearance doesn’t seem to reflect that, but he was featured in the first episode of a hip Hop series on Netflix for some reason. He’s said he’s biracial and as stupid as it may sound, his hairline seems to support that. Dunno why I’m even typing this, I’m not a fan of his

Trickle down economics don’t work, and I’m happy to hear someone who agrees. When I move to Montreal in September (or sooner) I can’t wait to be around more like minded people.

You cannot possibly understand what it is like to live in a cage built by hands that are not your own, knowing that you will never escape

I often wonder why white people only identify with the worst stereotypes about blackness because your analogies are reminiscent of Dane Fossey recounting how she spent time with the mountain gorillas in Africa.

Wages have been stagnant since the 70's which should make everyone angry. I feel like this is the part people miss when complaining about fast food workers asking for higher minimum wage. The point isn’t for them to be paid the same as more skilled workers, the point is for the baseline to be raised so everyone makes

Car prices go up each year (which is expected) but wages have been flat for decades. It’s credit that is keeping the economy rolling. We just gave the rich a massive tax cut and they chose to buy back stocks and sit on it rather than “trickle”. Something’s going to have to give eventually. You can’t have housing,

...The new J Cole album dropped today...

Personally I thought he was the worst matchup for her other than Kasich. She’s the only Democratic candidate who was susceptible to his mud flinging, and he was the only Republican candidate who could effectively trash her. Styles make fights and Clinton and the DNC picked the wrong opponent, and used the MSM to make