
One of the worst offenders is Mercedes. The 2017 GLA’s screen looks exactly what a touch screen tablet is supposed to look like, even in easy arms reach... but its not... its a dumb screen which you need to use a centre console nob to navigate through... even to answer the calls with. It was such a dumb design. Every

You should really look up more than face value information. Pilots still give reports on Boeing 747's and its a standard reporting procedure. While the FAA has received 5 reports, in all cases those pilots did not “lose” control of the plane and were able to perform the proper procedures as per Boeing’s flight manuals

While not colonized by the English, Japan was incredibly influenced by the French. All their post 1850 government architecture took on more of a French aesthetic than English. Trains, government, and the lot had a more French order and aesthetic than English. Some would say American influence, but that was after the

FAA is the worst right now with Canada and the EU now distancing themselves from the certification. Sully Sullenburg has been very vocal about the FAA. 

No, definitely not on par. The last fatal flight was 2010 with 90 victims on a 737-800. Then there has been a whole lot of hijackings of their airlines with 125 victims in a 767 that ran out of fuel and crashed into shallow waters in 1996.

Boeing issued all the same reports and documents that ALL aircraft manufacturers do for even the smallest of updates; and even offered additional training. The reason you haven’t heard Western airlines having the same issue is that generally all western airlines pay for additional training. Smaller country airlines

Why are American’s so uptight about nipples?

This right here is why I fear automated pilot systems. A human pilot relies on systems, but uses their own human senses to note “wft, this isn’t right!” But a fully automated system will only rely on the data being sent to it.

Hey, this model works for the Jeep Wrangler

Hell yeah, its about time they brought back the late 90's-early 00's Subaru boxer reliability!

No... no it isn’t. Subaru is the Chrysler of Japan... putting out the odd SRT edition hoon-mobile, while the rest of the line languishes in boredom. Remember, North America just doesn’t get the interesting wagons from Mazda,

It gets really cool at night when they have the laser guides going.

Pssssh try 22 plows and salt trucks in a stream up here in Canada

I don’t doubt this, but I also don’t know how Facebook would even filter. I’m really starting to loath the interconnectness of apps and browsers. I’m not into guns, but my buddy sends me a single link to look at a Ruger, next thing I know my my facebook/insta accounts a full of gun related ads.

Then apps came along and fixed the biggest problem with drive thru grocery stores.

Yes, this train will be fully booked for years to come. Japan does have an enormous rail fan population, likely out number all the commuters in the US.

Someone reproduce the Dymaxion

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I seem to remember Cameron knowing underwater physics well.

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Alien had an equally impressive intro scene. Just look at sheer detail of the ship inside and out.

I also think since its introduction people forget there was NOTHING ever shot like this in sci fi movies. Was absolutely ground breaking. You watch recordings of peoples reaction after seeing the movie and they all talk about this intro.