Infinite Recursive Debra

Because the cops pretty much let them do what they wanted last year up until skulls were already being cracked.

That’s the thing, really. Also, the most recent science shows that when politicians are given a public forum, and they use it to lie and lie and lie and lie and lie, even when they are challenged (and it sounds like there was precious little challenging going on,) the effect it has is to cement in listener’s minds

The national NPR news division seems to have gone steadily downhill since the war started. I was listening to a news segment the other day about tRump, and they literally just repeated verbatim many of his biggest, fattest lies without any comment, challenge, or background.

So when they “show up” and “look ridiculous” are they going to kill someone this time? Because they did last time.

She asked a bunch of questions we all knew the answers to. Are white people underrepresented? No, quite the opposite. But she and her producers wanted to hear what the white supremacist would say. And we already fucking knew that too. She just gave him a bigger bullhorn. 

The press, it should be noted, does not usually give a platform to everyone who can organize a political group of 300 people for a weekend rally in D.C.

This is what morons like Jordan Peterson say. That they’re not racist, they just want the “science” of IQ ranges among various demographics to be discussed openly. I think Peterson’s stance is that it will lead to better understanding or some fucking nonsense. Because classifying groups of people based on meaningless

Wtf. Why would NPR do this? They should know better.

Good point about Bernie, I should resist always using him as the only example. He’s just the most well known example. Again, most of the progressives running for office or who are in office are women and women of color. I have a strong suspicion that these commenters are the type of people who like to complain, but

Good luck trying to counter this guys opinion with facts. I foolishly attempted to do that yesterday, and all I’ve gotten in response was personal attacks and admonishment from other commenters to shut up.

He won the youth vote and is now more popular with African American women and men, than white women and men.

I’m going to have to watch this for Bone Crusher. Never Scared kicked so much ass (thanks Killer Mike, T.I.) back in 2003. 

I’m not speaking for black people. I’m speaking my truth and refuting claims that Bernie has a ‘racial blindspot’ What’s your objective in this? 

“It’s a fierce critique of left-wing Twitter, where you’ll routinely see white cis males deciding what is and isn’t offensive for the women and people of color they’ve chosen to so bravely protect.”

If UmmDavid possessed the necessary self awareness they would be embarrassed by this encounter. Like, deeply ashamed. Sadly, I doubt that this is the case.

Because you’re the worst. You’re much, much worse than the average racist and I hope you know that.

I assumed you knew that because you’ve called me babe, honey, sweetheart in a pejorative way. The gay men I know who use those terms with me are saying it in a friendly way. There is absolutely nothing in any of my statements that indicates I’m a homophobe, but you’re gonna beat that drum I guess. See, you say you’re

I don’t understand how defining myself is ‘digging a hole’, but whatever. I use the term Progressive proudly and repeatedly because I believe in my causes and political views. I used it in my very first comment on the thread we’re on. I don’t use the term to deflect criticism. But I bet this is more projection,

You’re more of a fool than I thought you were if you think I believe you’re a ‘bleeding heart liberal’. And I’ve made a lot of specific points, while you have only used insults. When a person finds another person annoying, they usually just go away. But you’re certainly not. Listen. I’m recovering from surgery and

@UmmDavid, you seem to have some strange beef with @IGotLeyd, as demonstrated by your interactions in the comments on other articles. I can’t say definitively what IGotLeyd believes, but nothing in their comment history that I can find seems particularly damning: