Infinight Moon

He's a Ghostbusters fan, and some people wanted to review the movie… Why not make a video explaining why he's not?

So it's basically a season of Gravity Falls?

Given that nearly every Marvel movie has a solid ending (if you ignore the end-credits scene), this is just bullshit.

"They have a (near) monopoly on geek culture at this point."

Yes, Stalinism and Trotskyism were both sub-groups of Communism. But Stalinism was not a sub-group of Trotskyism, nor was Trotskyism a sub-group of Stalinism. Even if I were to accept the premise that MRAs share some overarching doctrine with RoK, would it not still be dishonest to blame the actions of one on the

How is a group that hates MRAs, and is hated by MRAs, an MRA sub-group?

Given that activism is part of what makes someone a Male Rights Activist…

So your logic is that since you think MRAs are misogynistic, and X is misogynist, X is MRA.

Who are you referring to, exactly? Again, Return of Kings does not refer to themselves as activists. Just look at their About Us page.

That's probably an accurate description. In general, they aren't actually activists. Just a general misogynist blog site.

For this to be an example of a No True Scotsman fallacy, it would have to be a group which actually claimed to be or had the identifying characteristics of MRAs. The group does not claim to be MRA, and both sides tend to hate each other.

"The Rubies each have their gem in a different spot, which is either a nifty little detail, or something we’ll learn more about down the road."

Daredevil was only 40? Seriously? The fact that it was beaten by Bob's Burgers is just insulting.

Remember that, as far as the Avengers know, SHIELD was shut down after the events in Winter Soldier. The Avengers aren't going to blindly follow just anyone claiming to be the director of SHIELD, and Mack doesn't have the time to convince them.

I'm aware. I just get slightly trollish when I'm very tired, as I was last night when I wrote this. Spoiler warning has now been relocated to the top.

I wanted to use MCU examples, and Jessica Jones was still fresh on my mind. Not to mention that the writer of this article already brought it up to compare to AoS.

But the only reason the brother was there was to make Jessica sad… But even disregarding that, the point still stands with Andrew, whose only purpose in the show at all was to advance May's arc. And another example of this is Quicksilver's death in AOU, which was all about how it affected his sister.

I didn't even think of it as a spoiler at all when I wrote it. You find out her family died very early on in the series, so the only spoiler there is that she had a brother at all. And it has next to zero impact on the plot, aside from giving her another reason to be sad.

Two very different types of shows. Agents of SHIELD is a show about a secret spy agency with an ensemble cast. Other shows can be more intimate because they either focus mostly on one character (Jessica Jones and Daredevil) or they split the characters up where you essentially have a bunch of mini shows with lead

If killing off characters to advance the plot is lazy, you must think Game of Thrones is the laziest show ever…