Infinight Moon

"That’s the act of abusing or killing a female character to provide motivation for a male hero"

Yes, it's insulting, but it's also the best catch-all term for the radical feminist/race-baiter groups. I would have used a more polite term, had there been one. I suppose there's "liberal" or "progressive", but both are fairly vague and happen to be words with which I identify.

Actually, Claire Temple guest stars in the last episode.

1. Did I say anything about general racism or sexism? No. You can't expect a show to address ever conceivable social issue, no matter how progressive. Not unless you want to approach shows where each character is chosen to fill a gender/race quota. Let's see, one white woman, one black man, one black woman, one asian

She didn't say it would be kind of nice to have one. She said that not having one was an "embarrassment". And while I don't disagree that Hollywood in general should have more black females, I don't think it should be a requirement of every show. Particularly not one which is already incredibly progressive and is part

Agreed. And if the Asian character was female, then it would be "embarrassing" if there wasn't an Asian male.

Ah, the personal attacks… No need for logical arguments when you can just blindly attack people, right?

It's exactly what she meant. Marvel gender-shifted Hoggarth, blackwashed Malcolm and generally went out of their way to make the show as progressive as possible… And the SJWs still find things to complain about.

"It’s frankly embarrassing that Jessica Jones doesn’t have a single woman of color in its main or supporting cast."

Are you forgetting about Malakite?

I think you're close… I think the more powerful a gem is, the more mass they can put into their forms. The exception to this is Lapis, but I believe that's because their energy is mostly used externally.

Thinking back, Peridot's reaction in that scene seemed very extreme… It makes me wonder if she's been beaten before…

Funny… But I think he just horribly misspelled "genre".

Is it any creepier than anything in the actual show?

I suppose if there's going to be another gem war, the Crystal Gems ae going to need more members. Peridot and Lapis would bring the team up to 6.

What was spoiled? That we'll eventually learn what Peridot was referencing? I thought that would be obvious. It's not like he told you the final episode of the season was called "Last One Out of Beach City".

"while Bo Peep—Toy Story’s sole female toy—is cut from the second film with a single line of dialogue."

But the thing is that a. TLOK is an entire series with 6 hours of content each season and b. it has a female protagonist, which, unless the show's a romance, almost guarantees a passing grade.

Assuming all the Netflix shows get renewed, that's 13 hours from each of them, adding up to 52 hours a year. Then ABC has Agent Carter and Agents of SHIELD, which are yet another 32 hours (this may be more if the John Ridley show. And finally, there are the movies, which are going to be an additional six hours. That's