
I don’t believe in cruelty to animals, and I believe animals should be treated humanely (even the ones we subsequently kill and eat).

People should understand that chimpanzees are wild animals with 10 times the upper body strength of a human, who have been known to kill their own kind and others, and have viciously

A fetus is not your body. Get over it.

I worked a cash register for a couple years, back in the day. I never “got” the anger some of my co-workers felt over having the money placed on the counter.
That’s a you problem, not a universal signal of shittiness of the customer. Lord knows there are a billion ways customers are actually shitty to people who they

They aren’t “doing great.” That’s bullshit.

And I’m certain that you loved having other people paying for your medical care. I loved it when I was a kid and my mom and dad did. But then I grew up, became an adult, and started paying for my own expenses. It’s the moral thing to do.

The problem is that we have a highly

It’s insane how much it costs to get any medicine on the market in the US. That’s 100% the fault of over-regulation. People are dying because only the largest companies can get anything through the roughly $2.5 billion it costs, and they’re more interested in maintenance than cure. Anyone who might have a better

How was the Obama Administration right?

Nope. It would suck. Go look at people on Medicaid. That’s your universal healthcare in a nutshell.

I certainly haven’t been happy with it the last two, as my premiums went up 50% each year to pay for all of the subsidies of other peoples’ families. Hell, my wife works at a hospital that has their own insurance, and they pulled out of Obamacare because it was such a travesty.

Agreed. How quickly the libs forgot how damaging Obama care was for many, many Americans. Oh, wait. I forgot. They didn’t forget they never really understood how it negatively impacted most Americans.

Mine has been cancelled 3 years in a row. My deductibles are now $22,000 PER PERSON. My monthly premiums have gone up over 250%. Basically, I am paying much more for NOTHING. Not sure how it could be much worse.....

If you think the ACA is working, you are either stupid or willfully ignorant. Either way, you have no business discussing any subject.

“Let’s face it, the Donald Obama has nothing to do with actually crafting policy. He just says shit and sees what people like.”

To go with his bridge analogy, because I think it can be a fair one... Lets say a private company build the only bridge between a big city on an island, like New York, and the main land. Sure, they have a right to charge a toll, and a responsibility to maintain that bridge, but lets say there’s a big meat industry in

Why is it the government’s responsibility to provide healthcare to people, what part of the constitution is that in again?


Nah. I’m good. When it comes to dealing with stupid people that believe in stupid things I’ll be a major asshole.

Why thank you. I’d rather be an asshole than mentally deficient.

I said no such thing. You’re putting words in my mouth. What I did say is a 2% variance isn’t statistically significant enough to prove something as major as systemic sexism. Logic, you should read up on it some time.

I respond like this because it’s a myth that’s been thoroughly debunked for years yet people still believe it. I was polite the first thousand times. Now it’s time to insult them for their stupidity.

For fuck’s sake Novak... There’s no such thing as a fucking wage gap. Women DO NOT earn less than men for equal work, you dumbass. Women typically make less overall because they tend to choose careers that don’t pay as well. Maybe you should get your head out of your ass and research a topic instead of spouting