
A little background leading up to this. The police in this area have a “no chase” policy and as a result car jackings have skyrocketed. If you know the police won’t be any help it makes it harder to just let somebody jack your stuff.

Pay gap stats are the most misleading stats ever.

Slowly suffocating as all of his bones were crushed, what a way to go.

Dark matter, aka Fred.

What a nothing story. I’ve flown for free having relatives that work at airlines and they always explained to me there was a dress code, that I was representing the airline. This isn’t anything new.

I’ll prove it.....

Now playing

The 2016 Isaac Asimov debate topic. Worth the watch.

I’ll admit, one of my guilty pleasures is watching flat earth theories on youtube. It’s fun watching them tie arguments into pretzels on why the earth isn’t a sphere.

Your welcome :)

Good motivation to get a better job. You’re talking about entry level jobs into the work place, you’re not supposed to make a career out of them.

Good job Trump! Keep up the good work.

Okay let’s play it out, so I should be able to sue the government every time a family member dies for not protecting their right to life because clearly they failed to protect that right somehow.

Taking an extremely vague phrase and interpreting it to get what you want out of it doesn’t mean it’s in the constitution.

I’ve read all of the books dealing with the Yuuzhan Vong and they are my favorite star wars series. Much darker than the original canon, kind of like Star Wars rated R. They could make an incredible movie series.

Good to see Trump is keeping his promises, keep up the good work!

I love watching the liberals lose their mind. It’s going to be a fun 8 years!

NONE of these are unlimited. As soon as some caveat is introduced it’s not unlimited. So annoying

Hey, logic and facts don’t work in these parts. Gizmodo people here prefer hysteria and lunacy!

What happened to co-exist? Gonna have to take that bumper sticker off with that attitude.

How very accepting and tolerant of you.