
“I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.” 

I think that The Witch was mistakenly pitched as a horror movie, and they went with it. To me one must think of it more like Pan’s Labyrinth, as I see far more elements of an adult fairy tale in it than a horror movie. At first, it isn’t even clear who the story is about - you’re thrown into this situation where

Other way around. Kurosawa was the one whose work inspired and changed western films on the whole, and whose films were remade for North American audiences. Seven Samurai became The Magnificent Seven, Yojimbo became A Fistful Of Dollars, and The Hidden Fortress loosely inspired Star Wars.

Yeah. It was called Destiny. I’ve been clean since last October.

I’m putting in my vote for The Lobster as one of the best movies of the year, if not the best.

My goal is to drag hope back into the light from whatever dark corner of the universe it decided to hide in when it saw certain political and social figures start to emerge from their sarcophagi. Because without hope, none of us make it to the next step. The isolationism has to end. The greed has to end. We got to

Oh, I don’t disagree. The odds of actually spotting a star with an engineering event going on around it are about a billion trillion to one, assuming that there would be about 2 civilizations at any given time capable of performing such an act, and that they would do so to a star that was within our visible radius,

I look at it this way. We’re all in the same business ultimately. Just trying to scrape by another day - make life a little better for us without making it worse for others. General decency and kindness. Take a deep breath, look the math over to make sure everything looks good... Measure twice, cut once, and build a

I’m sorry. We’ll have to flag your comment for breaking the prime directive.

indeed so, brother.......indeed so....:->

The biggest axe against it being an alien megastructure project is the fact its an F-type star. F-types only live a couple billion years, depending on mass.

This comment is probably a bit late and superfluous, but whatever:

I hate Destiny. I hate it so much. I’d rather eat an entire jar of vegemite filled with thumb tacks than boot up this banal gambling addiction simulator on which I wasted 60 dollars.

Still one of the best moments in Saga or any comic, really.

Look, I know I’m not your usual Destiny player. I wander around, take in the sights, fight when I’m in the mood, do the quests, get the bounties, and have fun.

I didn't say they absolutely SHOULD retire the character, just that IF all they had left in the tank for him was to continually retread one critically acclaimed story arc from 30 years ago then they should retire him or at least shelve him until someone had something new to say with the character.

I haven't read Waid's