
Just look for a job in Westmount or NDG. And BTW, welcome to the best city in Canada!

Doesn’t surprise me in the least this came out of Toronto Life. The whole thing comes off as a perfect example of over-inflated and maligned Torontonian ego.

I would hardly call it great.

Wow. Way to show off your cynical ranting skills. All I can think is who peed, pooed, puked, and came in your cheerios? You do still realize you’re ranting about comic book characters... Moron. See I can do it too!

Why Destiny Players Feel Screwed Over:

That looks a lot like the rug from The Shining! Even better detail.

I bought AC IV for the pirating not the Assassin Creed-ing and I absolutely love it for that. Honestly, I gave up on the AC series a few iterations ago because they started feeling very repetitive. I remember being excited for the future of the franchise playing AC 1, which felt like a promising beginning.

Is anyone else a little creeped out by the always-on Kinect? There seems to be a lot of potential Big Brother possibilities implied...

So... it's an uber couch potato machine?

Blech, Microsoft. You leave a bad taste in my mouth. When are you going to grow up and start playing WITH the other kids in the sandbox instead of being the selfish little brat in the corner that no one wants to talk to?

I totally agree that the competition has improved the gaming world for us, the consumers. I just don't understand the blanket statements I see saying that either console is much better than the other.

Really? I'm kind of in the "you high?" boat too. It still surprises me how many people adamantly support the Xbox. I own both consoles and honestly don't see that many plusses to Microsoft's box. Sure there's Halo, Gears (both of which I don't play), and Forza (my sole reason for owning one in the first place) and

My hero. I feel like doing this daily in Montreal. Some drivers here are terrible, selfish, and completely oblivious to others' safety. The amount of cutting and complete disregard for a little thing called a signal light has reached ridiculous lows. I've been daydreaming of a rigged paint-gun that could fire at

Way to go Joss! I am truly scared of Romney and of how many people support him. I'm Canadian so I can only watch the madness unfold and hope for the best. It's like watching another cliched horror flick and yelling at the badly written hero/heroin on screen. "No, you dolt! Don't go down into the basement! Don't