
Five words: sentenced to be a butler.

My brother and I bought this game shortly after it was released and had the Nintendo Power Strategy Guide Nintendo published for this very reason. It was the size of a typical coffee table book and included what sure looked like a hand-drawn map of the entire game. I think it had the energy tanks, but I don’t remember

I’ve lived in Minnesota most of my life, both in the Cities and up north. The “Minnesota” accent is a myth. There is a “Range” accent (Iron Range), but so few have it that you’ve just about got to go into an outfitter well north of Duluth to find one.

I’ve developed an impression that Webster’s is the worst major dictionary when addressing language drift. While it is sensible to adapt to some changes, such as the introduction of new words like ‘laser’ and ‘internet’, adjectives are the color of what we say and as we homogenize them, our pallet fades.

I just started this last Friday and am having fun. You referred to your character as male several times and that got me wondering about something. Why do most people, presumably mostly males, choose a male character when given the choice? I’ve always used females because they’re more interesting narratively, are more

It is insanely common.

Interesting. That one doesn’t bother me because I have always interpreted the use, like in “insanely good”, to be a deliberate exaggeration to make a point. In this case, there is no reappropriation of a word, just a novel use of an existing one.

Yes, and if everyone is special, no one is.

A rare example of something that was actually horrible.

It isn’t the act that bothers me, it is the neuroses behind it that does. Thoughtful, healthy, well-adjusted people don’t do the things I discussed.

I don’t believe in the Moon. I think it’s just the back of the Sun.

I suppose I shouldn’t engage someone who didn’t understand what I said, but I will, anyway.

Cute. It is your position, then, that my argument is invalid because I used hyperbole in order to make my point. Presumably you understand that most anyone capable of typing in any language would also have a working understanding of general human cognitive abilities. That means you also surely know that I exaggerated

I... I don’t know that I’ve ever read or heard such a scathing condemnation of someone expressing the notion that language is best used with care and not warped in an unwitting effort to make everything seem better. Yes, “awesome” as a euphemism for “above average” is part of modern usage, but I interpret Tyson’s

They have to pay their people somehow and since nobody is willing to pay for content, they have to sell ad space. It’s astounding how entitled some of you are. Scroll past the ads, read the article, and stop bellyaching.

Being honest takes no time at all. Or do you mean maintaining honesty for six whole seconds would be difficult for you?

The driver had a regular, continuous task to perform the entire time the vehicle was in motion: watch the road.

That might not have been typed by a native English speaker. Note the omission of “had” at the beginning. The mention of Sweden, whose language is much different from English, is another clue.

”Admits” is a charged, and uncalled-for, word in this case. Based on all the reports I’ve read, they’ve been forthcoming about every incident. They disclosed the information. They shared it. Admitting something implies a feeling of culpability, which I do not think is the case, nor does it seem to follow. The (or a)

There is a simple solution to this problem: watch the road, everyone. There. Problem solved.