
I occasionally go to Metacritic because it’s a convenient place to find multiple reviews written by sites I trust. Having followed PC Gamer, GameSpot, etc for years, I know how their opinions align with mine, and that is useful. It wouldn’t ever occur to me to read user reviews.

In my mind, I’ve already stolen the last line of this article, claimed it’s mine, said it to all my friends, and now rule the world. Love it!

I was hoping someone had finally made a movie about Turkey Volume Guessing Man. Alas

I didn’t think of CR. I read dozens of reviews, test drove many cars, talked to mechanics, friends, and engineers. I examined depreciation numbers, total cost of ownership, and a dozen other factors. Then I bought a Taurus because the interior lighting can be set to any of a dozen different colors.

I think the idea is that it takes a major, deliberate effort to make a red crystal. No reason for Anakin to do that, since he had both a perfectly fine weapon already and little time to waste color coordinating it with his boots.

How in blazes do we have so much Zelda footage on YouTube if they only now added the ability to record 30 seconds of video? I searched for this literally earlier today and couldn’t figure out how to word it to get an answer.

Please tell me the system uses the entire vertical dimension if no border is selected. And also that the built in borders do. And that those pictured above are just a bizarre joke.

There is no bad reason to not have a child but there are many bad reasons to have one, like ‘wanted someone to fetch me beer’ or ‘nailed my sister before condoms had been invented’.

Then the “tree stars, bitch” meme went viral and only twelve AVClub readers knew what the heck it meant.

Another thing to keep in mind is that your finger leaves behind a streak most of the time. That can be examined by someone who has stolen your phone and maybe used to guess the pattern.

I am the fountainhead for my people...

This escalated quickly.

This can’t possibly be true.

“Located” contributes nothing to the opening sentence. Delete it.

I wouldn’t be true to myself if I didn’t question the wording of this headline. Should it not say it now ‘helps’ you find lost controllers? It wasn’t preventing that before. I know, I know, “Expecting professional writers to word things so they make sense makes you a pedantic jerk.” Still.

I had an interesting experience with that controller. I bought my Xbox in maybe ‘03 and found the controller to be cumbersome. It was a used system and the A button was sticky, so I called Microsoft hoping for a miracle. I told the super nice lady that the button didn’t work right and asked for a replacement. She

Comment entered in wrong thread. Couldn’t delete.

Nobody is this stupid, so you are obviously writing satire. Clever! This is obviously a scathing indictment on how thieving pirates try to talk themselves around their degenerate thieving. Be careful, though. People who steal and think it’s okay are often crazy and will fly off the handle if anyone challenges their

Superman was fighting SUPER POWERFUL BEINGS FOR THE FIRST TIME!!! How could any sane person blame him for the collateral damage?? THEY WERE TRYING TO DESTROY THE ENTIRE ******* PLANET, YOU MORON.

Presumably, the expedition kit on Han’s tauntaun had a shelter — other survival gear, too.