
I assumed the message was saying the word “bitch” should be retired. I know if I were the head of a large company and I wanted a word stricken from the language, I’d contact the president about it.

Yes. Reason one million I don’t play online games.

While people who play video games hunched over a mouse and keyboard are weird and creepy, they aren’t monsters.

I don’t. Communists cannot be persuaded that freedom is better than oppression. I have no desire to sway anyone’s opinion. I simply find it cathartic to share my views now and then.

Exactly. “Moon Beer! Out of This World Flavor for Only $14,000/oz!” If that isn’t a million dollar idea, I don’t want to be a millionaire.

Huh? No gravity? You’d have to go deep into interstellar space for that to be even almost true. The moon, like every stellar object of size, has measurable gravity. Check out any footage shot on the moon and you’ll see astronauts, vehicles, ROCKS all not floating away.

What is that thick black line originating at the middle of the top surface? Is... it that a data cable? Can’t be. Must be a lanyard.

In Soviet Russia, road plows you. It’s cool how they all seem to be using the whole blade, very little overlap. It must take a lot of practice to get that good.

That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

Asking is fine. Taxing is not asking.

That kind of thinking leads to communism. Communism is bad, right?

Tough ****! Get a better job or stop complaining. It’s my fault I’m poor and my life sucks. Why on Earth should I make it the problem of people who have made something of their life?

How is it fair to take a higher percentage from someone because they are more successful? I am very poor, always will be, and it is repugnant to me that successful people shoulder most of the tax burden. That is socialism. Socialism restricts freedom. Freedom is the most important aspect of our society.

Huh? Tantive IV, the first thing we ever saw in any Star Wars thing, looked almost just like this Hammerhead ship. That was 26 years before that video game. Hell, the ship at the beginning of The Phantom Menace was about the same, too.

What about Dark Matter, Travelers, Better Call Saul, and GOTHAM? I thought all four were engrossing.

After a little contemplation, I have concluded that this is what we are seeing — There are two programs running and they’re the same or nearly so. These programs have tables of conversations from real people. The text we are seeing comes directly from these tables, based on a simple lookup of keywords taken from the

Why are the messages from one not punctuated or capitalized? If it’s two of the same machine, shouldn’t they use the same rules for transcribing? Also, what am I seeing? Does this thing have a conversation mode? What is the source of the logic and vocabulary? This would be fascinating if I believed it was really two

The fruit computers are just for watching YouTube videos of monkeys being hit in the face with pies.

I ran Bioshock on my HP Spectre. It has an i5 and the game ran okay at low settings. Also, Mark of the Ninja will run on just about anything.

Timothy Zahn created Coruscant for the books he wrote. It was sometime in the nineties, I think. It’s one of the few things the movies took from the books. Coruscant wasn’t mentioned in a movie until The Phantom Menace.