
I dot think I’ve seen any of his movies, but his guest appearances on Scrubs were super. Definitely the work of someone who has great instincts and skill. Regardless of the origin of this movement, I think it would be nice if some good came of the dumpster fire that the last couple months have been. Any good at all

Be careful. It is a serious, Federal crime to threaten President-Eject Trump. Not everyone understands when something is a joke and the implication of that joke is that the trip you are proposing is one way and to a place that is unable to sustain life for long.

I wondered about that apparent misspelling, but British English seems to abhor the letter Z. Oh, I’m sorry, zed. Maybe the commenter uses British English.

Oh, come on. That was just some random car, probably on hand for anyone who needs it. Didn’t it have lights on the roof? He probably borrowed it from the security guard.

At best, posting a “Tweet” is undignified. Anybody who voted for P.E. Trump should be humiliated whenever he posts anything to Twitter, regardless of the content. Anybody who uses Twitter for anything important should not be taken seriously... or taken VERY seriously because they have zero common sense, grace, or

Well, I thought they recorded several good songs. I haven’t heard a Nickelback song in almost 15 years, so I can’t remember any of them, but I made a CD of just their stuff and listened to it a lot.

I’m left-handed and always hold a sword in my right hand. Same with a handgun. I shoot a bow right handed, too... and hold a broom, play guitar, shoot a rifle, type on my phone...

Shadows of the Empire, maybe?

9/10. Saw it in a theater 9 times during the original run and again in 3D. And probably thirty times between VHS, DVD, and Blu-Ray and I still couldn’t remember the bit about the suns setting because the bizarre use of “the” in the previous line is so distracting. I still think the bigger fish line is funny.

Please, please tell me that none of those display modes stretches the original 4:3 video signal to 16:9 like an improperly set up television at a bar.

The real villains here are those responsible for giving us Hilary Clinton as the only other option. Literally any other person in the country could have beaten Donald Trump.

You redownloaded all your Steam games? You can back them up on a separate hard drive, then copy the ones you want to run on the SSD to the SSD on demand. Steam will check your games folder when you start a download. If the game is already there, Steam will only download what it needs to make the game current with any