REO Bandwagon

Diseases are essentially a closed system as the vast majority of infections come from people infecting other people. This means the average number of infections doled out is very close to equal the number of infections received.

It’s the long con. If he can win it all in the 10th year of his contract I’m sure he can leverage Davis into floating him another 10 year deal. And thus, the cycle repeats.

Wouldn’t an unusual result be him passing his drug test?

Kisses are about as edible as the foil they are wrapped in.

If only the Deadcast had some sort of dedicated but brief segment where such matters could be discussed. Perhaps we could call it the “White Stockings Moment”


Glad we could help!

Most of Caruana’s advantages so far have come from superior preparation by his team. Maybe they’ve got some tricks up their sleeves if it comes to tie breaks

How can ya’ll be sleeping on Davis like this? It takes a lot more than owning a team with a racist name to make you the worst owner. Davis has managed to destroy the Raiders on so many levels I can’t imagine anyone competing with him.

What I don’t get is how the NFL sees Kaep’s politics as a negative thing for their bottom line. He gets people talking about the NFL, and any press is good press and from the perspective as an entertainment company. They could easily get their PR guys to market him as a WWE-esque heel.

How can you overlook the potential draft implications of this weekends pivotal clash of trash between the Cardinals and the Niners?!

If you think you have the worse team then you are better off taking your chances with the conversion than beating them in OT no?

I hate how much I love football

This is what I get for skimming

Yes and No. A well designed console can provide tactile clues to at least keep a drivers eyes on the road. While it’s still a distraction it pales in comparison to touch screens which are inherently visual.

Ha! If these SEC jerks had anything on me they’d sue!

Searching google for sarcasm mark and “:/” only gives results for the “:/” emoji which doesn’t have anything to do with sarcasm.

While I agree with this sentiment in general, the Software industry provides a ton of opportunities for contractors to make far more than their non-contract peers. The extra taxes and lack of benefits is usually offset by a higher hourly wage, and once crunch time hits and the regular employees are working 80 hours

It’s completely feasible to tax his Amazon shares. People pay property tax on the value of their house. In some states they pay tax on the value of their vehicle. There is no reason the federal government couldn’t create a progressive tax on all wealth.