
all this is on just one bullet in the wrong guy at the wrong time.



Arm slits? Cheese-grabbing windows?

"this is a textbook example of the gross misuse of shade that we here at Shade Court are working so hard to prevent."

I couldn't bring myself to listen to the audio. I figure it would be too disturbing. I'm glad that other kid took audio since it's clear the authorities aren't listening to the young women.

Parents seemingly raised him right. To many kids will think "Yeh, hes a dick, but im not going to turn on my friend". Takes a lot of balls to do that, especially for a teenager.

I want to find one, just one positive in this story, so good on the kid who recorded that drunk fucking scumbag. He should go into police work or something. You can hear him forcibly questioning "Brian," without cajoling him, and successfully getting a confession. Good on you kid. A+ job for an amateur.

Reaching for the positive in this story: ROCK ON, OKLAHOMA KNITTING FEMINISTS.

I never watched this video, but I have been relentlessly preyed upon as a drunk girl far too many times to count. It makes me sad and angry that someone falsified this because it throws a completely legitimate conversation off track. And of course it's totally shitty for the men who were coerced into it as well.

It's funny how the booker expected Revolva to do the gig for "exposure", since after all, Revolva already has enough exposure to draw the interest of a booker for Oprah. So, yeah, her exposure meter is pretty full, whereas the rent goes unpaid.

If this performer had projected her wishes into the universe a bit more strongly, if she had eaten , prayed and loved over it, she'd have the life she wants. You're spiritually lazy, hula-hooper. Put some soul into it, woman.

Whom did they impact other than the president of the University? I would say $471 is a fair price for him to pay for not taking actions to protect his student population from sexual assault, to their detriment.

I don't think the implication was that the housekeepers clean it up for free, I think the reason people are offended is because a university with an incredibly large endowment have chosen to take punitive action against a rape survivor whom they revictimized by finding her rapist (who was also accused of raping two

Tuition is ~$50K annually per student. Columbia could proooobably manage the expense on their own.

i'm assuming you're married now.

I would not sign up for this. Mostly because Steve Harvey reminds me of my uncles who were all players back in the day (and some still hold their title at current), who try their hardest to impart wisdom to their daughters about "what men are like" while encouraging their sons to be those type of men. I think he

Because i'm different. I awaken a heretofore unreleased relationship consciousness within them that makes them turn around and realize "This, this is what i've been looking for and now i need look no further." Duh.

If they'll cheat with you, they'll cheat on you.

Sometimes I wonder how some have tons of people just waiting to get with them while I never have anyone. Now I see it's because I refuse to date sex offenders.