
Little do people realize this film actually takes place in the future after Trump unleashes the demons of hell. Damon’s character was originally a border control agent that worked on Trump’s wall. That’s why he’s such an important element. He already has experience battling demonic invaders from atop a wall.

The fact that you or anyone else thinks this conclusion was the result of a three-minute conversation is laughable. The math in a pet-project movie meant to get a conversation started is not indicative of any sort of cohesive plan - it’s just a number to reach and to get the conversation started. This -

That’s not quite on. Initiatives like this absolutely need to be the focus of the wealthy. I’d argue that it’s more important than donating money to cancer research.

Those people are not smarter than you. Obviously.

I think the difference between Iceland and other countries is that Iceland seems to have the will to attempt this and their population is committed enough to non-fossil fuel energy sources that they are willing to pay more for energy. I’d guess the US has geothermal reserves somewhere that could be tapped but given

One is for Ramming, one is for Dodging.

It’s like having a child and naming it “Ligament”. But I do see some potential for expanding the line in the future...

The turbo version: Lag Bolt
The open-top version: Carriage Bolt
The amphibious/submarine version: U-Bolt
The self-driving version with cameras everywhere: Eye Bolt
The really freaking fast version: Usain

And I felt like that was a step below the Ciel...

Meh. Well maybe not meh because it’s pretty good, but the Elmiraj is much much sexier.

No. but I know EXACTLY where I was.

Now playing

What are you on about? This was 100% the owner’s fault, he was relying on the car driving itself while he took a break from driving (not touching the steering wheel) on a twisty road with poor visibility. He probably freaked out when the car alerted him about Autopilot and yanked the steering wheel into the woods.

I would like to have seen Montana.

And lets hope more autonomous car crashes happen so the tech can be outlawed. Cars need to go back to being hard to drive and the licensing system should be more stringent so not every dick gets to drive. Lets lose all the nannies and automatic trannies and tell the stupid fucks that don’t like it to get on a fucking

How many people are aware of this?

That’s cause you’re pointing fingers at Tesla first. They have the right to defend themselves if they see you’re lying.

However all autopilot is is adaptive cruise control + lane keeping. Tesla is not the only manufacuterer with these features. This is not autonomous driving. The one extra feature that I’m not sure other manufacturers have is the ability to hit the turn signal and have the car change lanes when its safe.

If I turn on autopilot and ignore the road, then it’s MY fault, not autopilot’s.

Anybody who has paid an electric bill versus filled up their tank?

LAPD charged with battery.
