
Actually the inefficiency of the traditional thermostat is mostly due to its stationary nature. I changed my thermostat to a wireless one and carry it with me upstairs and downstairs. This way, the temperature is adjusted to where I actually am instead of where the thermostat is.

What if I want to touch myself to Steve Jobs? I need a playlist for that.


Unless they can manage to get a Spotify-like deal from the record companies, I fear for Google Music. I have all my music in their cloud, but still end up playing from Spotify most of the time.

But there was nothing magical about the design. It looks great and works well, but that's about it. Magic is it reading my mind and not having to use my hands (or my mouth).

There's no denying that he does a great job. He is probably the greatest single last remaining asset at Apple, like the article said. I just remember that video of him describing the new iMac screen and it just annoys me. His design has already been implemented and he is obviously the top dog in industrial design,

I totally understand it from the marketing perspective, and obviously it works. But for the designer himself to say such things goes against my grain.

Ive does great design. But hearing him talk about it using terms like "magical" and "it just works" makes me want to puke and punch him in the face.

"iOS borrowed notifications from Android and improved on them, now Android has borrowed those improvements. Ah, the circle of life."

Yeah, no properly working Android phone should lock up like that. Android users tend to push the limits of the phone but under normal use it should be nearly as stable as the iPhone. Yes, the iPhone is more stable, but it's not really as customizable or has as many features.

I was hoping the voice will be a little more natural.

Two finger typing is easier on a larger screen, and as the smartphone becomes more and more of a substitute for a tablet (at least for me, and many others), a larger screen just makes more sense in terms of consuming data.

Steve Job's singularity of vision and ability to bring it to successful fruition makes him a great businessman, but it does not necessarily make him a great man.

Sure you can, but that's what makes it so ridiculous. If you want to treat Apple as the religion and Steve Jobs as the Messiah, then at least admit it. The fact that Apple/Google/Microsoft fans border on religious warfare is disturbing to say the least.

When will people understand that ultimately it is the life long work of many people that created the technological marvels that we see today. Some contributed more than others, but all this celebrity worship and my OS is more holy than yours need to stop. It's freaking software, not religion.

That would make sense.

You are already viewing the world in HDR, at least the way defined by current camera standards. But I'm assuming you mean HDR compared to a human eye.

One question I have is how he managed to get the shooting stars in a time lapse video? In order to capture them streaking across the sky at the rate they're being shown in the video, the shooting stars must be moving very slowly. It doesn't make sense unless he's superimposing them onto the video.

Looks angry.

Having being raised in Taiwan and lived in various parts of Asia, I grew up with shark fin soup. I enjoyed the soup as a child but like they say, the fin itself is pretty much tasteless. As I grew up and realized how bad it was for the ocean, I have simply stopped eating it when it was ordered (almost always at a