
That's pretty incredible. If it can be done it'll be the next big thing.

Neither's perfect. I would take the iPhone resolution in EVO screen size. iPhone metal sides over the EVO plastic. iPhone battery life over the EVO.

@Drekonus: I have an EVO and even I don't believe those numbers. Unless you mean almost two work days as in 8hr work days (so 12-14 hrs), in which case I believe you.

There really is one very easy way: pay the developers to make apps for WP7. The reality is, there are only I'd say less than 50 apps on the iPhone platform that the vast majority of users really care about. Or at least consider must have's. Make sure that all of them are available at launch by paying them to

I'm using the Touchstone in my car, and I think a lot of Pre owners are too. It really is very convenient to have a dedicated place to put the phone and charge at the same time. The only problem is finding a good place to put the Touchstone. Unfortunately my car doesn't have a good place on the dash but rather it's

Why so angry? Things aren't that bad...

Looks like a Mitsubishi Eclipse mated with a 3000GT.

@sos10: Judging from the dilated pupils, probably cocaine or amphetamines.

I used the SYNC in a Ford a couple of weeks ago. Works with my Zune like a charm. It's pretty responsive, but it if is lighting fast, it would be awesome. Anyway, I think this is the only way to control an 80Gb player while driving without much distraction. Since it is supposed to work with the iPod, I think they

That's weird. Usually CG stuff annoy the crap out of me, but I see some strange potential for this in a way that all the stupid Star Wars EP1-3 chase scenes never had.

Also, while I'm complaining, how about getting decent profile shots of the cars. I never see any shots from that angle, and that's usually what gives me the best sense of what a car looks like. Maybe get a wider angle lens?

That's the not BMW unveil you guys promised earlier was it? The covered car didn't look like an M3 at all. What's up?

Somehow, that just looks like a bigger version of my VW R32.

As for the Audi Allroad, I was going to get one until I drove it. Steering is not very precise and the turbo lag is really noticeable.

"So there she was, pants down, bent over the hood of my car..."

Another vote for the Shell/Ferrari ad.

Look at the top down 3/4ths view photo and how the roof slopes into the side and top "wings." That just made me wet my pants. I would love to see this car make it into limited production.

I have the R32 and the Toureg. Please put one of these in the fantasy garage so that I can justify their existence in mine.