Could you imagine the white tears if we had a Haitian Revolution Day when black students could pretend to kill and victimize whites?
Could you imagine the white tears if we had a Haitian Revolution Day when black students could pretend to kill and victimize whites?
How do you rate the quality of a Harriot piece? You look at how many rampant racists fill the grays.
“The problem with the inner city...”
Consolation prizes to:
Or my favorite: “That’s because you don’t have children”. Like my opinions are less worthy, my empathy is suspect, and any possibility is negated that I just MIGHT be an emotionally-healthy person who has a clear understanding of her capabilities and—more importantly—of what those capabilities do NOT encompass.
So yes.…
When people ask me why I don’t want kids, I always respond with “How do you explain a lack of interest in something? I don’t want kids because the wanting of them isn’t there.” Seriously, ask these people what they do for a living, and then ask them why they didn’t want to be X instead. Stupid, right?
True that. A lot of Jez’s articles on having kids tend to devolve into a bunch of “ugghhh what self respecting woman would ever do that????” and that’s honestly just as bad as “you’re defective if you don’t want kids.”
I don’t know how many fucking people have told me “oh you’ll change your mind” or “you don’t really mean that” or “but what about my grandchildren!”
Emergency c-section the first time, scheduled c-section the next, and whenever I read these stories any guilt I have completely disappears.
Thank you. I read it as snarky too, but if it’s not then I apologize to Twinkle. I fuckin love kids. If I were to have kids, I’d want 4 of them in a big farmhouse, and I’d adopt them all.
But that would be yeaaaars from now. I’m with you in that...if I do end up having kids, I’d be happy. I’d be equally happy not…
As someone with a child, I say good for fucking you without the snarky tone that Twinkle’s comment seemed to convey. I was on the fence about having children and if my husband had said “nah” I would have been perfectly happy just having a bunch of dogs and no kids.
This is me and my vagina celebrating my child-free state.
Any time anyone mentions their epic labour story just launch into some great travel story, or about how well rested you are.
Dogs forever
High five for doggy pictures.
Same here, on top of my list of reasons to not have kids is to not ruin my body. And I won’t tell much people because I already get scorned for not wanting children anyway, but my body is already a pain in the ass, I don’t feel like going through more shit. I’ll just be the best auntie in the world. Or I’ll adopt…
I asked her if she was a good girl yesterday and she tilted her head and swivelled her ears in such a way and looked at me with such big eyes I legitimately did shed tears. My mom comes in and looks at me like wtf, and I said “She’s just SO CUTE IT MAKES ME UPSET”
this one earned her the nickname ‘Triangle Head’
FYI, folks who haven’t pushed a baby out: my shit was also wrecked, but my vag was as tight as ever after about year. I did literally nothing, too. Just, like, 2 kegels whenever I happened to read the word “kegel” in my everyday life. I’m not doubting the author’s story, just saying that there is variation.