
I don’t get the grading system of AV Club.

You can’t “care” just yet, it’s the fourth episode about a bunch of people we have never seen before. GoT took seasons to develop interest and engagement with each character, it takes time - that’s what’s good about it. 

With all due respect, this reads like a fan’s recap of a mediocre Netflix teen soap opera.
I mean I know it’s not Shakespeare, but it still deserves a more in-depth analysis than “I wish they would kiss already”.

Please keep Van alive so her adult version can be played by Natasha Lyonne.

This was so Silence of the Lambs I kept expecting a moth to casually fly into the shot and land on Kate Winslet’s head.

This looks like something contemporary comedy would make fun of, I had to check that it wasn’t the Horsin’ Around of some other show.

That’s part neoliberalism and part an attempt of the show to visualise the conflict between them and the royal family.

I’m surprised they didn’t have a shot of a Royal chef preparing a rabbit next to a pot of simmering water.

I think so far the show approaches Charles and Diana in diametrically opposed ways.


I don’t know how the show intends to handle the whole Thatcher thing, but I’d like to think that the Camp Disney Villainess approach is Gillian Anderson’s brilliant personal comment on the matter.

I came here for this comment.

OK, I’ve been waiting days for this, so it is going to be a long read.

You know something is wrong with your storytelling when you feel the need to explain the whole season in a disconnected, expository, misplaced penultimate episode.

Agreed. I find this relationship very well-written and particularly well-acted. It’s an understated, yet substantial showcase of how and why these two people interact the way they do.

Best episode of the season (along with the finale).


And that, kids, is how I met your mother.”

She is excellent, especially when her eyes go dark.

That scenario would also explain the rehearsal dinner speech.
“Eddie: How cheesy should we make this?
Dani: Yes.”