Indoril Nerevar

Considering Bethesda’s track record (beyond F76, even), I’d assume eviction should be the least of players’ worries come patch day, really...

Is Disney seriously telling us that we cannot be trusted to process images of butts responsibly?

Now playing

You should still stay the fuck home as much as possible.

No, you got the wrong one there.

There are lines along the floor with illegible information written on them, suggesting some kind of educational path you can trace. The lines also resemble the branches of a family tree, which suits the fossil hall’s historical contents.

All kinds of birds live in your town, except they walk, talk, and live their lives like humans. What sets an ostrich like Blanche apart from these little yellow birds?

These cats, dogs, eagles, pigs, octopi octopodes, and more

I think the bottom line here is that more choice is good.

Classic mode is easy mode, only your character attacks and defends automatically. It might as well be a visual novel.

Disclaimer: I didn’t read the review.

You already have your answers, Nathan:

but it might be hard to fight back if the mere sight of a spider sends you running for the hills anthills.

Yoda speech should be object-subject-verb, but there are plenty of inconsistencies, specially in the original movies.

In short: there aren’t real heroes in war. Or rather, the real heroes are the ones fighting for their (and their loved ones’) lives, not the ones calling the shots.

That’s not actually true.

Watch Tim Roger’s “Let’s Mosey” series (if you haven’t already).

Crazy — what is the Japan’s government’s laws regarding essential business/going out?

Plus, technically Pocket Camp counts as the last game in the series and that is more in line with what we have here.

If you said no he could opt you out and leave the option to turn it back on.

everyone wearing masks is great because it prevents those unknown coronavirus carriers out there from infecting others and slows the spread.