And honestly, if a K-Pop star getting coronavirus is what it takes for you to care about hopes for you aren’t very high either way.
And honestly, if a K-Pop star getting coronavirus is what it takes for you to care about hopes for you aren’t very high either way.
And South Korea, of all places, isn’t exactly in need of awareness-raising.
Thousands are dying *daily.*
We can trust Kotaku. We cannot trust the commentariat.
I’m gonna play Devil’s Advocate here and say it wasn’t all that bad.
when it comes to calendar events like Bunny Day, which runs from April 1-12.
If you want something that speaks to/for you, I’d suggest going over your favorite work of fiction (book, movie or game) and picking out an island name from there.
If I understood it correctly there wouldn’t be a 88/12 cut - it’s just the 50/50.
The late 90's were surely wild:
The theory was that if their perception of time was actually slowing down, they would be able to read the numbers. But they couldn’t, which suggests that our perception of time isn’t altered during moments of extreme fear.
Your story just reminded me of this:
I was going to yell “no one turn that PC off!”, but Nathan is probably living in the cloud right now, as I doubt he was playing without an internet connection.
wasps will still occasionally attack players for shaking trees
By Arceus I was so relieved when they removed random battles from Let’s GO and Sword/Shield (no, the exclamation mark doesn’t count as it’s easily avoidable - even if its result is random).
Meanwhile, I would have paid for a port of Suikoden 2 on Switch or PS4 yesterday.
So let me get this straight: they want to train an AI on the adversarial environment of boss fights so it can learn how to outthink humans, counter their strategies and defeat them in the field of battle?
Good to know. I know it’s biased, but I don’t really trust Nintendo not to take a step backwards even as they go forward.
Trust me, I know - I’ve played more New Leaf than I’d wish to admit.
I know Japan doesn’t always play by the same social rules as the West, but still...