Indoril Nerevar

This whole “interacting with an unknowing (and possibly unwilling) audience” shit needs to die, and soon.

Don’t worry, we’ll get to the bottom of it.

Well played.

Ok, I just feel old now because I was one of the people geeking out over the storage capability of 3.5 floppy disks.

Time to update the meme, I guess:

It’s even worse when you are modding, since their ESM/ESP internal structure is hellish and incredibly prone to conflicts (even official DLC have ESP entries conflict between themselves and the master files) unless you use third party tools to clean and make compatibility patches between mods.

while others solved what we had just presumed were unsolvable issues.

Now playing

Someone ought to direct him to the Greta Thunberg Helpline:

Someone get me a flamethrower.

You mean you never make fun of your colleagues when they do something silly/stupid sounding?

He has since apologised, saying that he didn’t want to make an offensive remark, just “ridicule” his co-presenters foreign language skills

Strict deadlines do not justify stealing other people’s work. Anyone who did it knowingly has no scruples and anyone who did it unknowingly can easily be seen as bad at their job.

Call me when you publish the “how to clean up glitter without losing your mind” article. ;)

Call me when you publish the “how to clean up glitter without losing your mind” article. ;)

Yes, and it was an awesome (and quite surprising, even with the buildup) moment.

You clearly haven’t gone sufficiently insane to understand it. Get out of here with your sound reasoning mind.

Yeah, but Darth Vader first shows up on the opening sequence of Tie Fighter, not at about 15 minutes before the ending, being intrinsically tied to it.

I know he already answered but, to elaborate further, his usage of “openings and edges” = “places people would come gunning from”, while “corners or behind objects” = “places people would be lying in wait for you to pass by”.

The character became a Japanese cultural institution by the late 1970s

Now go out and become the very best, like no one ever was.