Ok, despite what I said earlier, I just caught a shiny Wooloo on Route 1 by chaining.
Ok, despite what I said earlier, I just caught a shiny Wooloo on Route 1 by chaining.
The amount of extra work is miniscule.
I’m all for science but if the cows are that anxious maybe we can just play them some Chopin next time.
Nobody is harmed if the entire dex is included.
Hey, look! Officer Jenny’s Growlithe did become Arcanine after all. Guess the Law of Attraction does work.
It might, but I think the (current) battery cannot take it. Plus it’d likely roar like an airplane after a while.
I am posting this alert as a PSA to the community. If you’re at vending and start taking damage and hear nuka mines start to detonate then you’re the target! Protect yourself!
Heather may have just subconsciously given a huge spoiler to the game, if the statute of limitations can even apply to a port 5 years later.
Switch users are finding out what Vita users are very familiar with.
If only one concerned about unannounced changes to the game could wait a couple of days and read a couple of reviews instead of being forced at gunpoint to buy and play the game on day one (or even worse - gasp! - preorder it).
I think you may have gone straight to 8 or 16chan there.
Indeed, why is the Pokémon Company looking out to protect their commercial interests when they could be out there fighting crime?
My money is on “one of those things that happen when you don’t really think through what you are going to talk about”.
If we taught our young folks about alcohol earlier—and made it something that was just a normal part of life, as opposed to something “forbidden” that many kids binge on when they -do- get access (for at least a little while; most folks get their heads out a lot faster than I did), I think we’d have less of a…
there had to have been other ways to limit players from spamming Force abilities.
I wouldn’t touch the birthday cake though.
It’s even curiouser that you have a pair of bracelets floating below the gloves and partially obscured by... air.
For several reasons some actors don’t get/want to experience their own performances. Dame Maggie Smith, Adam Driver and Joaquim Phoenix are the ones I can name off the top of my head, but there are actually plenty of others as well.