Indoril Nerevar

That introduced me to the concept of games being licensed to the consumer - although, of course, with discs it made no practical difference to the second hand market, it just meant that when you sold your old games on eBay you were technically transferring the license to the new buyer.

Oh, you mean the game that was announced with its current art style a year before Breath of the Wild came out?

However, I do wonder... if all your games and apps are pinned to folders in your taskbar... how is that different to your start menu? Other than... you know, not being searchable?

At least we had Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, which was also an educational blast.

Eventually, the player said, he began to feel like he “had cheated and hadn’t actually achieved anything”

There is literally no need to ever see what’s underneath what you’re using anymore unless you’ve just rebooted your PC.

*looks* aren’t everything, and are the least important thing about being a woman.

There’s also the fact that there is a “time remaining” statement before the date, so I’m putting my money on calculation error as well.

One thousand internets to you, sir/madam.

I won’t star this comment because of your neglect towards the Harebrained releases.

Ok, were done here, I don’t need any more internet today.

Japan has been trying to crack down on pachinko for decades, but there always seem to be one loophole or another that those parlours manage to exploit.

but in theory, these designs should have fallen under the realm of parody, along with the rest of Tokyo Destiny Land.

Simply because Epic has problems, does not mean that Steam is without. Simply because Steam has problems, does not mean that Epic is without.

There is a caveat - if Valve could actually figure out which games I actually want and would buy and show them to me, then everyone wins.

Or maybe the new pieces of clothing also have holes, smells and faded parts, only different ones. Even though they are supposed to have come out just a while ago.

The problem with that is that this may be the only form a beloved franchise takes for the foreseeable future

Yeah, those are Greek and Neo-Latin words for “potato”. I had to settle for the modern versions because the Romans and Ancient Greek didn’t know potatoes and it was the only way to save the joke (they also didn’t know tomatoes, if anybody is interested).

patáta, pomum terrestre... ;)

A man who explains a characters nakedness as being her skin needs to “breathe” so she had to wear less clothes