Indoril Nerevar

Apocryphal stories say that when when director Masato Kato and Mitsuda sat down to replay the game, this ending theme was enough to move Kato to tears.

Came here to comment this, you saved me the trouble.

See also: Souls games personal rankings.

or you’re dumping like $200 for a 12-month sub of your extra account.

That’s where I disagree. There are plenty of genres out there and not all of them are about min/maxing, even though there’s a strong mindset among gamers that believes that to be the case.

If we are talking about a platformer or action game, in which the gameplay takes center stage, you may have a point (even if I

I agree with your whole comment save the last paragraph. Games do reward the way they do because people have grown accustomed to it. Whenever I play a “free choice” RPG I know the Good Path™ will reward me in a tangible way at least 90% of the time.

I’m happy that the Epic Store deal worked so well for him, enabling him to pour time and effort into making the sequel the game he wants it to be, but I don’t think the EGS critics (or at least the ones who aren’t just throwing tantrums) should be dismissed in such a reductive way:

A pity I never downloaded the demo when it was first available, so that workaround is no good to me. :(

for any of us hairless apes

I think they mean it as in “turf”. Like they believe they are competing with other groups to see who has the right to mess up the WoW Classic experience.

New version, more in line with the original quote:

the ability to settle cities and explore a map covered in the fig of war.

That is nice, but I meant it more like a Switch port. That’s what makes it something of an outrageous request.

Are you out of your damn mind? That name is pure silliness gold!

Arguably Ghastly is the original blob (of the floating in mist variety) ghost pokémon.

Yeah because they owe it to you to change the story.

Well, when Star Wars is good, it’s very good. The Jedi Knight games (and the Dark Forces games that preceded them) are good Star Wars and good video games.

Starred for Freelancer (and Privateer, of course, but yours was the first FL mention here). pretty good. And on an internet where some of the worst excesses of human nature are encouraged and amplified, it ranks as a completely harmless observation.

Either that or they’re wobbling around on four peglegs....