
But will it be completed on schedule?

Right? I grew up in Cobb County, which I knew sucked but didn’t know that it famously sucked until a few WYTS ago and now I want to know more about other apparently famously sucky suburbs.

Thatswati Thudd.

I was sure they were going to draft his brother, Napoleon Thudd


Cracked black pepper Triscuit is the pinnacle of snack food achievement.  

“wHy DoN’t ThE tRoOpS fOrM a TeAm AnD dOmInAtE fOoTbAlL?!??”

that’s from the 70s, he’s trying to hit a single through the gap, he’s a purist.  Hulk ain’t no high trajectory Instagram slut 

Worst home run derby villain would be the Penguin. The Penguin can’t do anything.


Now this is a life I can get behind...minus the working out.

I need you to post some audio of your wife talking in Stupid Drew voice. Could she possibly read us the Bears version of Why Your Team Sucks?

Recently I have noticed a lot of people responding to text messages using the “Thumbs Up” emoji. Every time I receive this as a response to a text message it makes me furious.

Counterpoint from someone possibly even older than you: Facetime is 👍but y’know, NOT IN A PLACE WHERE NAKED PEOPLE ARE WALKING AROUND.

Who the FUCK FaceTimes in a gym locker room? Jesus Christ, people are the goddamn worst. I (a lady) once encountered a bachelorette party in the gym locker room, there for one of those pole-lates classes, and the bride’s mother was taking photos. I, standing there in a towel, was like “EXCUSE ME, NO PHOTOS IN THE

I was driving back from my in-laws with my Wife and her parents cat. I put on NFL and a Giants-Eagles game was on. When the Eagles scored a touchdown the cat let out a guttural cry, essentially saying fuck the Eagles.  That cat really hates birds.

Worst home run derby villain would be the Penguin. The Penguin can’t do anything.