But will it be completed on schedule?
But will it be completed on schedule?
Right? I grew up in Cobb County, which I knew sucked but didn’t know that it famously sucked until a few WYTS ago and now I want to know more about other apparently famously sucky suburbs.
Thatswati Thudd.
I was sure they were going to draft his brother, Napoleon Thudd
Cracked black pepper Triscuit is the pinnacle of snack food achievement.
“wHy DoN’t ThE tRoOpS fOrM a TeAm AnD dOmInAtE fOoTbAlL?!??”
that’s from the 70s, he’s trying to hit a single through the gap, he’s a purist. Hulk ain’t no high trajectory Instagram slut
Worst home run derby villain would be the Penguin. The Penguin can’t do anything.
Now this is a life I can get behind...minus the working out.
I need you to post some audio of your wife talking in Stupid Drew voice. Could she possibly read us the Bears version of Why Your Team Sucks?
Counterpoint from someone possibly even older than you: Facetime is 👍but y’know, NOT IN A PLACE WHERE NAKED PEOPLE ARE WALKING AROUND.
Who the FUCK FaceTimes in a gym locker room? Jesus Christ, people are the goddamn worst. I (a lady) once encountered a bachelorette party in the gym locker room, there for one of those pole-lates classes, and the bride’s mother was taking photos. I, standing there in a towel, was like “EXCUSE ME, NO PHOTOS IN THE…
I was driving back from my in-laws with my Wife and her parents cat. I put on NFL and a Giants-Eagles game was on. When the Eagles scored a touchdown the cat let out a guttural cry, essentially saying fuck the Eagles. That cat really hates birds.
Worst home run derby villain would be the Penguin. The Penguin can’t do anything.