Mrs. Thom Yorke

I heard a Housewive’s pundit (yes! so!) describe it as being like getting Al Capone on tax evasion. She’s done a lot of shady stuff in the past that the rest of the cast couldn’t quite nail her on, and now that they’ve got her dead to rights, they’re all going in. 

Eh, if Lisa had actually come at this directly, Dorit probably would be the one getting pounded. Instead, LVP did this passive aggressive manipulation gambit one too many times, and they’ve decided they’re all sick of it, so in their minds, it’s the bigger sin.

Because Lisa is garbage at naming things. Like, why isn’t it Vanderpups? That’s just a gimme. 

The best part is the unearthed never aired footage from season two of Camille telling Lisa that she threw her under the bus by encouraging her to bring up Taylor’s abusive husband but then not backing her up.

The real story should be how Dorit and PK are grifters.

I know a few people have joked that #Puppygate has been a boring storyline, but I completely disagree! You are refusing to see the light! And it’s not about the fucking dog (as much... anymore), it’s about everyone coming together to finally, successfully uncover LVP’s ongoing attempts to use her pets, her shiny new

why would you bother with the apple juice part if you’re not going to make it rhyme????? Rich people can’t even be clever in their cuteness

Haven’t watched last night’s episode yet, totally believe LVP lied, nevertheless continue to adore her. I also still think Dorit’s actions are a thousand times worse and she lies every time she opens her mouth and subjects us to that horrendous fake accent. YOU’RE FROM CONNECTICUT JUST STOP.

They’re not yours they’re oars.

Last time an O J from Southern Cal got in trouble, it ended in an acquittal. 

Hey, let’s not drag the Guttenbergs into this, ok? What’ve they done to anyone?

True, there’s no 1-for-1 (my wife teaches at USC and I fully get that admissions is not filling holes in a pegboard), but still, in the aggregate, we’re talking about roughly 50 kids whose parents gamed the system to get spots they wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. Even at a big school like USC, there’s a finite number

Some should definitely be kicked out, like the USC shills. Also the Georgetown student who actively participated and bragged about cheating. The rest should be made to retest  from the beginning and reapply to attend.

Dibs on her oars! Oh, wait...

Totally agree, they should not benefit from their parents’ fraud. If the kid really wants to stay at the University, then let them reapply & retake the SAT/ACT, if they get good enough scores and have the other requirements to get them accepted, then let them in. Otherwise, they should go to a University that would

In any case, dorm dumpster divers are about to hit the MOTHERLODE!

As cruel as it may seem to the students who did not know, I agree. The punishment should serve as a deterrent. Otherwise the parents will continue this funny business in the background. Buying a library in exchange for enrollment should also be banned, but I realize capitalism is king in this country.

What’s going to be interesting is if any of these schools decide to yank diplomas from students who’ve already graduated. Obviously, they can’t take the education out of their heads, but if you’re applying to grad school or whatever and the school won’t release a transcript or confirm your attendance, you’re fucked.

It’s time to embrace her pre-determined destiny anyways: angling for coverage in People magazine for her marriage to Steve Guttenberg’s nephew

Unknowing or not, they should not benefit from their parents’ fraud. They’re still taking a spot from a student who actually earned it. If your parents steal a car and gift it to you, you don’t get to keep it when the theft is discovered.