I know she opened them because for professional emails, I use a tracking service, which shows how often they were opened; the service showed that Duca viewed every email multiple times from her iPhone, her Gmail account, and another mail client.
100%. This is some bullshit. Why we need to take down duca? who gives a shit if someone was kind of a dick on twitter that one time? And how does that not square with Duca’s brand, which is being mouthy and salty?
How to turn off image display in Gmail to prevent the sort of tracking shown in this article:
As someone who doesn’t have a personal connection to Duca, I’ll validate this.
Read: she got famous-ish, and everyone with a petty grievance wants to make sure everyone-ish knows she was once an idiot child.
I appreciate that the main point of this article is Lauren Duca in general, but hold on:
I’m trying to see what she did that’s so horrible, beyond calling someone at work fat and some shitty tweets she’s apologised for.
Everyone fails a purity test at some point.
Constantly purging everyone for some evermore exacting standard of ideological purity seems self-defeating and a waste of energy, badly needed…
Lauren Duca (maybe) got drunk at a work party and did some stupid shit in 2015. It (probably) led to her moving on from HuffPo. Since then, she’s gone viral and moved up in the world, but “everybody” (the media cliques running around on the east coast) still subtweets about her stupid shit. Jezebel’s tired of the…
I’m really not 100% sure what the back-and-forth tone is doing here. “Is publishing this a good idea or a bad idea, who knows; she has publicly demonstrated a desire to change but is change even possible; cancel culture is bad, she’s canceled; I don’t want to insult her, she’s a grifter.”
Did you just write a 4,500 word story about how a young woman who has become a figurehead for the resistance for other young women once wrote some bitchy anonymous emails when she was 23?
She did dumb shit when she was 21 (or 20?!) and has perhaps...grown in the time since? And I know you acknowledge that but it’s a throwaway line in what sort of feels like a needless hitpiece? This isn’t Tucker Carlson being a racist misogynistic manbaby at 40 or whatever.
My wife’s Godmother is a university trained Lutheran minister with a post-grad in divinity. My wife’s mother is a strip mall evangelical who randomly texts “God’s Not Dead” at 2am after her latest viewing.
Said mother-in-law will routinely spout out evangelical talking points and punctuate it with “The Bible says...”
One wonders, if you don’t have the money for the pain meds, how the hell you are going to pay 6k.
Got beaten by my(now ex) boyfriend for an hour. Waited 12 hours in the ER. Cried because I was in so much pain and my back hurt every time I took a breath because part of the beating included him kicking me and throwing me against the wall, repeatedly. Finally saw a doctor who asked me if my voice was normally really…
I’m in Canada. I went to a clinic on Wednesday for back pain. Got a same day appointment. Waited about 15 minutes. Got a prescription for pain medication. Went to another clinic for an x-ray. Waited less than 1 minute. All told I lost about 1 hour of work and paid a total of $9 (for the medication.) I’m so happy I’m…
I’ll get it started. Cut my thumb with a razor knife at home. Have Gold plan BC/BS. Was in the ER for less than an hour. My portion $960.
I have enjoyed these tweets. Haley’s problem is she’s comparing the cost to the citizen, seeing a lower number for Finns and assuming it must have been a lesser product because she can’t fathom a government subsidizing health costs for the benefit of its people without worry for profit.
The Huckabee Clan: a group of sadistic sociopaths who have no compunctions regarding lying, manipulation, and outright cruelty to others while waving a Bible saying that it’s okay, because they believe in Jesus.