Mrs. Thom Yorke

I am an LSW and work exclusively with abused, abandoned, and neglected children. What you’re seeing is not uncommon at all. Pedophiles groom children, playing on their eagerness to please, their vulnerability, their natural trust toward adults, and their often unquestioning ability to obey. Accusing an adult and

Maybe I’m not the one who needs to deal with something.

Adult men don’t admit on national televisions they share a bed with random boys, nor do said boys know what their genitalia look like, or take showers or drink wine with him.

...and yet police carted out boxes of porn:

When I was 20 my father died, after 6 days in a coma, from a massive stroke at the age of 54.

JVN bounced on the screen and I got the biggest smile...that man is pure sunshine.  I can’t wait!!!


im going thru a breakup right now, i cant wait for this!!! i need to feel the feelings

But, in hindsight, I was giving allowances for MJ that I wouldn’t give to any other person in this world.

Are you STILL out here banging this drum? I feel like you’d feel more welcome on some twitter echo-chamber.

I. Am. So. Ready.

Watched most of the doc last night and it’s pretty chilling. I have complicated feelings about it, but I believe these victims’ stories. More to your point, this morning I remembered the Chappelle’s Show skit that, especially in retrospect, highlighted (intentionally, I think) the general public’s willful ignorance/

It’s so hard because he’s been in our lives for so much... but that presence is how he’s been able to get away with the shit he did. I think the parallels between R Kelly and him are apt - what makes one easier than the other? R Kelly basically singing about the shit he was doing? R Kelly not having as big a

It is terrifying.

Maybe because I’m a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, but for some reason I have always believed he was guilty. Always. I loved Michael as a musician; grew up on the Jackson 5; had a total crush on him; was in total breathtaking awe when Thriller came out, and I saw the video; and still to this day talk about his

Thank you. This is the only thing that needs to be said. Unfortunately, the Root (Splinter too) attracts groups of rape denying trolls, who won’t be left in the greys were they belong.

You’re spot on about Michael’s universality. I wasn’t an R.Kelly fan, so it was easier for me to believe the women and girls who came forward. But Michael...I rollerskated to the Jackson 5. I had Thriller on vinyl as a kid. I thought “Black or White” was really ground breaking. And then the weirdness started getting

What terrifying are the people still defending him. Every article I read about this documentary fills up with people defending him (with some pretty odd syntax). I don’t know what the point is of that but his defenders are hardcore.

Can Karamo do the caring “wipe away someone else’s tear with your thumb” thing to me right now??

I love this show but I can’t help but feel that the episodes are too short. The house makeovers are nice, but they’re so quick! I’d like to learn more about the things the Fab 5 are actually doing for people, I’d like to see more of the process. Maybe that feels like filler but I feel like these episodes fly by.