Be gone, Trumpcunt.
Be gone, Trumpcunt.
That goon who keeps trying to get his hands on Sofia Vergara’s embryos can be his new best friend.
Depp really isn’t doing himself any favors here. Heard obviously doesn’t have that kind of money and unlike him she’s got no reputation for being a drunk or violence. As for The Pirates Of The Caribbean firing - they were going to re-boot it anyway. All of the other big name actors have left and Jack Sparrow got tired…
And his abuse continues. In the public eye, now.
Yeah, using a defamation lawsuit to gossip like an old lady under the dryer at a beauty shop is pretty fucking rich.
It’s really baffeling. The dude was making $65k per episode and what seemed to be a budding music career. He wasn’t a struggling actor. I think he’s just a narcissistic asshole who thought he deserved more and tried to ride the coat tails of legitimate victims and anti Trump sentiment to get what he wanted.
I don’t think he’s coming back from this. He’s ruined his career. This was so reprehensible and deliberate there’s nothing he can say now that mitigates the shittiness of it. Nothing.
If anybody should be pissed about their pay it the Nigerian brothers. Only $3,500??? Come on HamNo, crank out 800 words on why “Fake Assailants Need a Union”
Everybody is talking about how Smollett’s actions will make difficult for future actual victims to be believed, and that’s correct, of course. But I would like to point a, in my opinion, much worse side effect of this: actual bigot criminals will feel much more emboldened (as if they are not enough already in the…
Not only did he pay them $3,500 but he reportedly paid them with a check. A. Check.
I’m baffled by this whole thing. I just don’t get it. Especially given the apparent reasoning behind it. This guy better disappear for a long time. Like you said, he has made it so difficult for people to report actual crimes. And it gives the MAGA idiots more “ReMeMbEr WhEn SmOlLeTt LiEd AbOuT tRuMp SuPpOrTeRs?”…
If Jussie Smollett staged this whole thing - the letter and the physical attack - as a ploy to get a more lucrative contract, he has done a terrible disservice to both the black community and the LGBTQ community, which he both belongs to and used for his own game.
Considering his agent said he was on the phone when the ‘attack’ happened and confirmed he ‘heard the racist language’, I’m going to assume he had a part in concocting this whole mess.
I’m wondering how long he’s going to vehemently deny that he made this up. I’m wondering if he ever will.
Fuck that. He seemed very much in his right mind when he was doing press about this and releasing statements.
The “This is MAGA country” portion of the story was what did it for me.
OR was it the two ‘probably’ white masked men gallivanting around a frozen arctic hellscape that was Chicago that night, with a noose and bleach. No, WAIT! It was the fact that the alleged scoundrels RECOGNIZED THIS D-LISTIN’ ASS MOTHERFUCKER FROM…
The only way he survives this is by claiming mental illness or addiction. I can’t understand why he thought an attack would lead to him getting a raise. I wonder how he saw this playing out in his head? He gets a lot of press then a new contract after he publicly shames Fox for not taking the threats against him…
Actually, it’s kind of the exact opposite--this shows how very difficult it is to convincingly fake an attack, and how easily the stories of people lying about being assaulted crumble under investigation. Nobody is sincerely equating “believe victims” with “don’t investigate crimes”; that’s a straw man used by rape…
“Believing the victim” means exactly what you just said: a crime has been reported, we will investigate it fully because we believe a crime has been committed, and we need to get to the bottom of it.” As facts emerge, sometimes, so does skepticism, but if you first reaction is to say, “well, he might have been making…
Or you could, y’know, just ask for a raise.