The ridiculous part about Epstein is that, whenever someone brings him and Trump up, some Trump-supporting chudfuck has to turn it around and remind people that Bill Clinton was also an acquaintance/friend.
The ridiculous part about Epstein is that, whenever someone brings him and Trump up, some Trump-supporting chudfuck has to turn it around and remind people that Bill Clinton was also an acquaintance/friend.
The same way he can claim every daily disaster is the best thing ever. The same way he pimps sub-50% approval ratings from friendly pollsters as demonstrations of his absolute popularity. The same way he reacts to every development from the Cohen case with some variation of “I’M TOTALLY CLEARED NOW,” in spite of the…
One wishes that there had been a reporter there to ask him about it.
some of the documents charging Cohen (I don’t recall if it was Mueller or SDNY) point to the time Cohen got property in a Trump building and lead a coup with the owners association or whatever you would call it (leadership of people who own residences in the building) and prevented the Trump name from being stripped…
So...the “favor” that Cohen did Trump was...he liked him? He supported him? He...was a nice guy? Trump’s rambling nonsense explanations never actually state what the favor is. I presume because whatever actual favor existed that Cohen did for Trump was illegal.
Meanwhile, millions wish he didn’t show up to work until after 2020…
How can Trump say that he never directed Cohen to do anything wrong when there is literally a recording of Trump talking about the hush money payments, aka campaign violations, that Cohen was charged for making?
Hello fellow Democrat! Could you please tell me where the exotic sexual groups are meeting tonight? My invitation seems to have gotten lost in the mail.
Well no, if only a good elf with a machine gun would have been present at that christmas market...
Thank you. I’m so exhausted with this lie.
The Democrats and President Obama gave Iran 150 Billion Dollars — Trump
Trump 24 hours after terrorist attack in France: “Thoughts and prayers to the victims of this TERROR ATTACK. BUILD THE WALL!!!”
The Greatest Hits are all he's got left. They're his Safe Space. It's like the way he kept trying to interject his Twitler Rally routines into his meeting with Pelosi and Schumer. He goes for those oldies to quell the sense of impending doom. I just enjoy knowing that he's miserable.
.... does he think the French are going to storm the southern border?
Coulter found the way to get her Chief of Staff audition vid straight to Trump.
That’s what happens when you carry the Midweast!
Supposedly, Pecker has an entire safe devoted to Trump. He doesn’t destroy what he quashes. He puts it in a safe. Smart investment it seems.
This is AWESOME. They withheld the deal until Trump had plenty of opportunity to lie about the whole thing over and over. Which they knew he would in the face of Cohen’s pleading guilty. Trump is just getting completely owned. And he knows it.