I mean sure, that’s one way to look at it....(especially since you’re giving Trump a win by referring to his opponents as “Chuck and Nancy” instead of “Schumer and Pelosi.”)
I mean sure, that’s one way to look at it....(especially since you’re giving Trump a win by referring to his opponents as “Chuck and Nancy” instead of “Schumer and Pelosi.”)
.... How does he intend to persuade Mexico to pay for it? And so on.
Schumer and Pelosi got Trump to volunteer that the GOP was going to own any potential shutdown. I mean, if you can’t acurately analyze that as a positive, maybe punditry just isn’t for you.
All they need to do is ask him to find a way to pay for it. Tell his dumb ass that we should not pay for the wall with deficit spending. How important is this dumb wall? Is he willing to lose his stupid tax cut for it? Is he willing to raise taxes?
I found it delightful. Pelosi and Schumer did a good job standing up to Trump and making him look like an idiot (which, admittedly isn’t hard to do).
Not to mention the fact that Kelly-Anne herself isn’t exactly Mensa material.
Yeah, I have a feeling that this is exactly what Pelosi (and maybe even Schumer) were aiming for with their willingness to give some Wall money: Bait him into demanding too much, seem like the reasonable party and show how stupid and pathetic the bastard is.
And because of political realities, this is going to be life for the next four years.
She’s young, she’s a woman, and she’s a latina.
Yeah, it’s kind of absurd now for any Republicans to mock AOC considering they nominated and pushed to elect an adult baby as President. Trump can’t speak about how system of government without screwing up, so not really sure how GOPers think jumping on AOC really scores them any points. But then I remember that…
In order of preference, Chris Murphy, Beto O’Rourke, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker.
The price is inversely proportional to the significance of the summit.
Not me. I’m energized. I can’t wait to volunteer for my favorite choice of the Democratic primary candidates, then to volunteer for whoever emerges the victor (whether it’s my preferred candidate or not) and then VOTE again. It felt really good to do for my local races this last fall, and it felt really good to win,…
Normally $100, on sale today for $100!
Not sure if that imagery is quite Trumpian. When Trump tries to convince himself and others of his lie, he doesn’t use facts or hyperbole, he just repeats very simple points, ‘it was the best’, ‘no one has ever flipped a coin so hugely’, ‘many people are saying it’s the best coin flip ever’, ‘record coin-flip, never…
A guy downthread goes even another step, suggesting that Donald doesn’t understand the concept of heads and tails, i.e. what a coin flip is even for! This rings true to me. The way President Good Brain hammed it up sure makes it look like he believed it was just some meaningless ceremonial duty.
I’m so tired. So very tired.
I’m going to go a step further and guess he’s literally never held a coin in his hand before that moment. Just like he’d never sung the national anthem before the election. So many exciting firsts for the big boy.
He was just pissed that they didn’t use one of his North Korean Summit Coins.