Trump has to know that his death will not be memorialized or grieved like other Presidents and that has to eat at him.
Trump has to know that his death will not be memorialized or grieved like other Presidents and that has to eat at him.
He looks like a particularly sleazy Hollywood producer.
Folks all over trying to posit that aide dog was a lifetime companion that lived & died for Dead Dad Bush. HORSESHIT. That dog, as good as he is, just came to Dead Dad Bush like 6 months ago. Fuxsake, Bush was already senile, groping, and mostly immobile so Scully there didn’t really have a helluva lot of work to do.
Another thing:
I think he can’t read. Seriously, I think it’s a strong possibility.
Someone tweeted the photo of the service dog laying by 41's casket, with the Mission Accomplished title, and asked “did the dog assassinate him? Because that’s what this makes it sound like.
He was impatient for the memorials to end but expressed pride in himself for remaining publicly civil.
Hopefully the turnout will look something like this
ok, 2 things
expressed pride in himself for remaining publicly civil
My biggest disappointment about Trump’s funeral is that he’ll be too dead to know how sparsely attended it was compared to his predecessors.
“I like presidents who are ME!”
Silly Rabbit, he has no reflection in a mirror.
I’m not in the grays and I haven’t read something this shitty in awhile:
Yes things would be very different if we got rid of the majority of the people in the state!
If people had three legs, you would need more fabric to make pants!
David Frum, in discussing his book Trumpocracy with Vox:
I mean, you joke, but the actual point of his comment is to suggest that the votes of black people and white progressives shouldn’t count as much as the votes of “real Americans,” or perhaps not at all. That’s where we’re headed with this stuff. He’s just laying the groundwork.
If you took Madison and Milwaukee out of the state election formula, we would have a clear majority—we would have all five constitutional officers and we would probably have many more seats in the Legislature