Mrs. Thom Yorke

Don’t worry, Scheana will get a new boyfriend who hates her and only wants attention and publicity. Trust and believe.

You know...people constantly go on about how talented she is and I just don’t see it. She’s done nothing that a literal thousand other actors/waiters and people of acceptable skill can’t do. Seriously, nothing I’ve seen points to exceptional talent. As for her precocious youth, her English accent in “The Parent Trap”

So psyched Vanderpump is back! I already miss Scheana’s dick boyfriend who hated her and only dated her for the attention and publicity! More Giggy and Ken! And Hanky the swan!

“Youve Never Had This Much Fun Getting Herpes!”

“...'to secure Lohan’s name as the definition of vacation luxury.’” Lol, no.

wait okay I feel like we need a FULL review.  

Genuinely nice? You must have missed the story from a month or so ago where she harassed a homeless family in Russia, making racist comments, accusing them of human trafficking for no discernible reason and trying to yank their kid away from them.

Can a train wreck in mykonos?

At this point, shouldn’t she be on VH1 and not MTV. 

Lindsay looks, dresses, sounds, and dances like a desperate and horny 55 year old alcoholic cougar and I’m here for it.

If there’s any solid proof that white privilege is real, it’s Lindsay Lohan. Someone who doesn’t even rise to mediocrity yet still lives a lavish lifestyle for no other reason other than she’s passably attractive and had a bit of “talent” (in the sheets or whatever). 

I know men like this. They think their partners should give them a handshake and a blowjob everytime they pick up after themselves. 

I’m not sure how many millenial men would openly admit to having regressive beliefs about splitting domestic work when both partners (in a hetero pairing) work full time, but I 100% have experience with millenial men who preach gender equality as much as possible but do jack shit around the house & with their children

I came here only to discuss how my ex friend bragged about being the breadwinner for her family, but at home she was diminished to a housewife.

There’s too many comments about this to reply to each individually, so...

The complete and utter lack of self-awareness is what’s galling, though. “We hold repugnant views, we call names, we steadfastly don’t listen to facts, science or reason. But don’t be mean to us, OR ELSE.”

When facts don’t matter, then listening to these assholes isn’t going to do any of us any good. And for a bunch of

I have never felt oppressed in my life because I’m a woman,” says 19-year-old Caitlyn McKinney.


It’s really not that surprising. If you grew up in a conservative family watching FOX News, you’re going to be like that. I think it might be more interesting to come back to them in four years and see if college has changed them. I know I was a lot different politically at 22 than I was at 18.