The man does not believe in retreat, nor surrender. Nor climate change. Nor marital fidelity. Nor loyalty of any sort, really. I bet he does believe in ghosts though.
The man does not believe in retreat, nor surrender. Nor climate change. Nor marital fidelity. Nor loyalty of any sort, really. I bet he does believe in ghosts though.
Yeah he’s not even trying to learn different talking points and it seems no one is even trying to get him to. Fucking raking man that’s all we gotta do just like in Finland. They rake and trees don’t catch fire because they’re wet from getting all the water.
He doesn’t KNOW. Dumb + egotist = I believe something + ignoring the experts.
You look at our air and our water and it’s right now at a record clean.
I am absolutely sure that I would say some crazy, contradictory shit if people asked me questions on camera all the time.
If you watch her Red Table talk with Will, you hear two people that really love each other, but have struggled in their marriage. To me, it seems like they are staying together because they want to persevere, not because of the assets.
Lol I’m sure Ray J was thrilled to see this sex tape nonsense in the news again. It was probably like Christmas morning for him.
Yeah, I’ve had enough of Hollywood’s fascination with the sexual exploitation of children.
JFC, that sounds horrific! It sounds like Kim Cattrall saved us ALL from that hell...ugh
Could do without the snark re: Amanda Bynes. If you read the whole article, she talks about her more general issues with body dysphoria. I have nothing but sympathy and compassion for a woman who grewup on screen while women’s weights and appearances are being constantly picked over and scrutinised. It sounds…
You’re being much more tactful than I would have been. This was typical centuries old white man’s arrogance to presume they needed “converting” to Christianity. As if Christianity has done wonders in this country. I feel no sympathy for him or his family. Let it be a lesson for those who would try to impose their…
The mom is definitely a religious nut, too. Against all evidence, she said she believes he could still be alive because she prays.
Rockyou... has a point. After all, who sent him to Oral Roberts University to get brainwashed into this Christianist extremism?
I don’t feel bad for his family. They’re probably the ones that brainwashed him and made him think this was ok in the first place. This is the logical conclusion.
Here is a thing I wrote yesterday about this very article:
We should also recall that during the campaign he flew back to New York almost every night so he could sleep in his own bed like a soft, delicate giant baby. As President they’ve schedule travel abroad in such a way that he doesn’t have to be away from US for more than a few nights. Going to the trouble to go all the…
Chump definitely understands fear. It’s why Whitaker is his appointment. There’s also the matter of bone spurs, and not answering questions from reporters.
He’s terrified of people who do objectively courageous things (e.g., McCain) because he knows and understands deep down that he has zero physical courage. Of the many preposterous things he’s said, the “I’d run in to save your kids from an active shooter” is the most laughable. Such is his narcissism and cowardice…