Mrs. Thom Yorke

This is the future liberals want, hells yes.

This actually made me emotional.

Well here comes the new boss, worse than the old boss.

Lot’s of people oppose corruption and project strength while also not supporting President Pussygrab McMuslimban. (Also, supporting Trump was the opposite of opposing corruption, but you do you.)

Poor voting choice in 2016 aside...

If he wanted to energize himself, lick an energizer 9v battery. 

This breaks my Canadian heart. I love Americans and view you more as extended family than as neighbours. You deserve to be safe, and you deserve lawmakers who work to make you safe (and also heathcare, especially if people keep shooting at you).

So irresponsible that a news person would say that.  Active shooter trainings say to run first, and that you only fight back as a very last resort.

Thoughts and prayers....Now is a time to mourn, not to politicize....Only a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun...California has the strictest gun control laws already...Making guns illegal makes it so only criminals will have guns...Open carry will solve mass shootings...

Some of the people in the club were at the Vegas shooting. This was their second time through it. We have come to a place where you can be a veteran of mass shootings.

The Onion runs this after each mass shooting and it’s truly unbelievable how many times they’ve run it in the last 2 years.

Don’t forget: now is not the time to politicize this tragedy by bringing up sensible gun control. Of course, since this type of thing is practically a weekly occurrence, there’s never a right time...

No, now they’re going on to outright blame the victims for not doing enough to save lives. Fox idiot on tv saying that people should make the effort to tackle the gunman instead of running away. “You might get shot, but............”. Asshole. Just like turning rape into the victim’s fault.

They seem to have moved on to “we need armed citizens, not just armed guards.” Because nothing is safer than a bar full of drunk people with firearms.

Don’t forget “Well, if they’d been armed, this wouldn’t have happened,” while completely ignoring the fact that there were armed people who got killed. 

Oh it is, they’re saying this mass shooting is the second deadliest this year. We’re at the point where we categorize them annually, not overall

What struck me most reading the NY Times article was the woman who said “Nobody would expect this in Thousand Oaks”. My answer to that is.. really? Because I expect it there. And here where I am. And the tiny town I am from. At this point, I find it bizarre to ever be surprised by this stuff happening anywhere. 

Everything has occurred the way it always has. The only things missing are the "thoughts and prayers" garbage and the announcement that the gunman had a history of domestic violence.

Why are we letting this administration do these things like they’re normal?