That exact statement about the GOP could have been (and was) written in 2012.
That exact statement about the GOP could have been (and was) written in 2012.
They are in charge of all branches and most state governments. Bro, they are thriving - but not because of success or popularity, but because they rigged the system just right under the radar during the Obama years.
Ever since a black man had the audacity to be elected president by wide margins, the reactionary right/tea party used the racists in the US to make significant gains. But, by doing so, it cost the GOP the remaining moderate/sane Republicans that stuck around after the 80s and 90s that left the party in droves by 2010. …
I don’t think I would have bet on it, but I also didn’t think it possible for them to be so low, this quickly.
“I better use some tac tics in case I start kissing her.”
I mean, this actually makes it more understandable from his point of view, though.
Agreed, but “racist tendencies”? No. It’s much worse than tendencies - he is the white-supremacist president.
It is the width and depth of his depravity and ignorance that still leave me speechless at times. Agree, no president has been perfect, many had deep-seated character flaws, offensive views and opinions. Trump has taken every negative trait that has come before and cranked them all to 11. As president I don’t think he …
This is the same man whose own son sat in front of the Senate committee and replied every question with “I don’t remember” when asked about his meeting with the Russians. His own fucking son kept replying with “I don’t know”.
Mouth cancer. That way his ability to speak goes first. We all win.
They are the enemy. Subhuman scum.
We’ve had presidents who were some mix of stupid, incompetent, vile, mean-spirited, racist, sexist, ignorant, greedy, egotistical and sociopathic. But Trump is the first to have each of these traits in spades. If you still support him, or even ever supported him at any point and stopped, then fuck you. How can anyone…
I think it’s not nearly a strong enough word.
The word “deplorable” was never more apt. How anyone still supports this vile slug of a human being is beyond my understanding. He is truly an embodiment of America at its worst.
Some of America deserves better. Another chunk think it’s just fine and dandy.
For fuck’s sake, it’s like pointing and laughing at a new kid at school with a birth defect, Down Syndrome, etc. And the jackasses in the audience think it’s some sort of high-level humor that only the clever-elite can decipher.
He went on to do a little “acting” as someone’s son. Think of your son, he said, “Mom, I’m doing so well! I got a job at IBM Mom! Mom, someone I’ve never met is accusing me of horrible things I didn’t do, Mom, I don’t know what to do, Mom!”