Mrs. Thom Yorke

She really is, in all soberness, a real national hero. I’m glad she has been able to have a good career after all the shit that she went through (and probably still goes through...).

People called the Trump campaign a dying whimper too, this time around those writers should be saving the eulogies until we’re sure the body has gone cold. The systems that prop this country up are designed to break towards guys like Kavanaugh

That could be. There have been a lot of thinkpieces lately about how Kavanaugh is the embodiment of white male preppy entitlement, and how his hysterical performance on Thursday was the dying whimper of privilege.... They're probably trying to spin this as "white men are under attack". (Because they know it'll work,

Black women get shit on by white women, black women get shit on by black men, black women get shit on by white men ten times worse than white women or black men. Black women are at the center of every set of asshole crosshairs.

Dozens... so at a minimum 24. But probably over 36. Sounds like you are a violent criminal that has a drinking problem.

My read is that they’ve more or less resigned themselves to Beer Likin’ Brett failing to get the votes, but they’ve decided to ratchet up the hysterics as much as possible to get their base to read the situation as an anti-white guy outrage instead of a humiliating failure

Can you imagine if his accuser was a white woman?

Lindsey Graham has been auditioning nonstop for the role of Attorney general. All of his red-faced fury over the Kavanaugh hearing and his best-buddy golf dates with Trump is his way of attempting to butter up the boss to get that job. But ol’ Linds will never get it. Trump will undoubtedly at the last second, turn

I’m starting to think Miss Lindsey has a bit of a crush on Brett. Just because he makes your bussy quiver doesn’t mean he DESERVES a spot on the Supreme Court, you miserable, hypocritical old queen.

It’s going to be so glorious when Graham’s victim breaks cover…

My issue isn’t that he may have once upon a time been in a bar fight, or that he may have blacked out drunk once or twice. It’s that he lied about it, among lying about many other things.

In about a year Lindsay Graham has gone from being reasonably calm and semi level headed to a complete raving loon of cartoonish proportions.

*GUFFAW* Okay, Blanche, so you want to re-nominate this yutz AFTER his approval rating drops into the deep negatives? Good luck with that, dolly. 

He’s gone post “fainting couch oh me oh my the vapors” to “THE SOUTH SHALL RISE AGAIN!” Fuck this southern dandy with a mint julep and the wannabe slave owning shit heels that support him that he rode in on.

What I didn’t include in my initial reply to you, and should have, is that this ain’t 1991 - there will never be another Clarence Thomas (which is great). In 2018, unfortunately, there can be a Brett Kavanaugh, and that’s the point I’m trying to make.

Sounds shitty but most likely you’d be shot on sight by the police in a bar fight.

Ive been in dozens of bar fights

All of the dozens of the bar fights I’ve been have resulted in at least one fatality. Most of them by my own hand. 

Ask Clarence Thomas.

I’m in a bar fight, at my desk, in my office, right now!