Bringing casual, endemic racism to light is a good thing.
Bringing casual, endemic racism to light is a good thing.
I mean,.....
“Haha believe me there are plenty of Raleigh enclaves in every single American city where this wouldn’t raise an eyebrow — and where I guarantee you they still don’t get all the fuss.”
I love this comment so much because, John Oliver.
Wait are those three *diferent* white women, or just one white woman moving very fast back and forth to appear as three?
I can’t believe all the various players involved in this debacle could be so inhumanly ignorant that they did this by accident. I’ve been to Raleigh. It ain’t that white. They know other cultural groups exist. Maybe they don’t read? The news? Anything?
Eh, I don’t. I just hate when I see deliberate obtuseness.
Your last line nails it.
Worse or not, there is a significant part of the population that has had to deal with this bullshit for a very long time. Glad its making the news and brought to the attention of everyone.
Putin wants a civil war. I try to always keep that in the back of my mind, which is not fun, but may be necessary.
An annotated list from Professor KB #IvyWhileBlack - and four hours ago, this happened
Oh yeah? Well, have you ever seen them both in the same room at the same time?
Yeah and look what they did to him.
and if the NRA has their way, all those fragile/skittish dipshits will be carrying guns around with them everywhere.... what could go wrong?
Holy shit, that shoplifting story is so batshit insane I can hardly believe the timeline is correct.
White people are the worst.
Make no mistake, all of these incidents simply highlight a truth that we as black people have known for a long time. White folks cannot simply let us be.
Challenger exploded because NASA refused to listen to the engineers that were well aware of the problem and knew that O-rings became brittle at the temperatures the Shuttle experienced that night. One of those engineers begged NASA to scrub and spent the rest of his life feeling like Challenger was his fault, even…
At least it wasn’t Cigar Aficionado.