Mrs. Thom Yorke

You perfectly described all rants by my maternal aunts & uncle.

Sean Hannity’s show would only be 29 seconds long

The payment wasn’t consideration for Iran to agree to the deal, it was a return of funds for undelivered goods. Iran bought military jets and the US didn’t deliver the jets and we held their money for over 30 years.

Let’s not let any facts get in the way of a good, ill-informed rant!

You should check it out. Not only does it outline why Trump is wrong, but it will alsomake you miss those halcyon days when we had a president that could write coherently and elegantly.

I love it when people are so passionate about something that can easily be disproved with a 30 second Google

The View is as scripted as reality shows — right down to the drama.

I’m not saying it’s right, though I do think that the vitriol and blame needs to be dumped on the caller’s head. That behavior is the root problem, from what I can see, and this seemed to be a case of pure spite.

Disagreed. The cops will bear the brunt of this for responding to a call and following protocol.

When you call the cops, they have to follow the minimum protocol. The cops did not follow this girl around or randomly pull her aside for her ID. They were CALLED to the scene.

To be fair, Yale university police did follow protocol and checked ID. Given our current environment with shootings, that is justified.

1. The talks haven’t happened yet.

3 steps is more than he can handle or probably event count to before getting distracted.

I think Joe Biden put it nicely(paraphrased): sentences spoken by Giuliani only include a noun, a verb and ‘9/11'.

why would you put him on your legal team?

I had forgotten that. Way Rudy talks, he was Mayor from when the towers were built to yesterday.

“But wait, Mr,. Giuliani, ‘Mayor of 9/11' sounds like you had a hand in planning the attack. Is that what you mean, or do you simple mean you just happened to be there at the time to take credit for the actions of the first responders?”

Rudy should save everyone the time and trouble and just wear a “MAYOR OF 9/11" t-shirt everywhere he goes.

You ask what Guiliani did to help NYC after 9/11: he left office on 1/1/2002. I know that he was term-limited, but anyway.

“if he was passed over for an administrion role due to drinking (which I can believe, because it was odd he wasn’t given a role), why would you put him on your legal team?”