
I got a Cyxus brand clip on that actually does cut down on the blue light. They even send you a strip to test it out.

Not according to his Twitter and Facebook accounts. 

This comment is so mindbogglingly dumb that I actually need to list the dumbassery on display here. So you are saying 1) You have not had good Mexican food in Texas, 2) You have had Mexican food at Rick’s place and you don’t like that either, and 3) You have not had any food from ANY culture that has impressed you.

Now playing

Two recipes for people who want to try the epitome of Eggplant cookery.

Saw this on reddit:

He has always been transactional in his whole life. I don’t think he really can think long term about anything, let alone politics or governance. 

Trump’s antagonism to the USPS is rooted in the fact that he thinks Amazon is ripping off the USPS and getting cheap mail rates, and since Bezos owns the Washington Post; this is his way of sticking it to Bezos. All the other things recently with the mail-in ballots etc are additional points. But he has ben after the

Just like when I see the idjits in Pamplona; I am always siding with the Bulls. Go Bison!

saw this on Reddit; “Pearl Harbor (Hawaiian with Japs (jalapenos))“ 

Except, my story was a real story from the newspaper!! I posted a link below. 

Tell me about it. The worst line I heard about this is, “I’ve got a Copyright on the Patent of that Trademark”.

I wasn’t making it up. Here’s a link. I may have misremembered/exaggerated for effect, though! 

This reminds me of a story.

I prefer Pizano’s to Lou Malnati.

I have been a vegetarian all my life (I have never eaten meat) and ate this recently to see what the hoopla was about. I did not like it. It was too mineral tasting and too rubbery. Since I have never eaten meat; I was actually quite put off by both the flavor and the texture.

Me too. Going on Seven years now. I don’t really miss any of my usual stuff, except for a cold IPA on a hot summer afternoon. Lagunitas Hop Water seems to do the trick for me. heineken Zero is also okay. I stay away from others that are not truly 0%. I will try this Budweiser Zero, if it really is 0%. 

The one problem is a LOT of the NA beers still have 0.5 percent or so alcohol. As someone in recovery, I found even that to be triggering. SO now I stick with heineken Zero; which has 0% alcohol. Of course, my preference is Lagunitas Hop Water. It really gives a much better feeling of consuming a cold IPA on a hot

It’s not played at Walmart, it’s not played when you go to Six Flags.”

I thought the same, Doc.