From wookiepedia:
From wookiepedia:
>It’s not about Boba Fett at all.
Duh. That’s why the whole “Mandalorian race” thing is stupid. Its crappy fan service for people that were obsessed with Fett’s helmet.
I agree with that. But at least he came from Lucas.
Not all of it; but some elements absolutely were. Star Wars didn’t need a “race of Jedi hunters”; it has the Sith. Boba and Jango were cool bounty hunters— just because some nerd wrote a fantasy about a whole planet of them doesn’t mean it should have made the cut.
Does it spin to wick away water or is there some other benefit?
I have very little hope for this show. Disney rightfully killed the junk that was the EU; then they go and bring this whole “JeDi HunTInG RaCe” shit into the canon. Cheapens Boba and Jango Fett a lot.
When I started driving, it topped nearly every list of “best used first cars for teens”.
Whats the point? All the negatives of a hatchback and all the negatives of a sedan. The point of a sedan is a seperate trunk, the point of a hatchback is space. Liftbacks are dumb for having neither.
Because its a sedan. Sedan buyers want separated trunks. Liftbacks are dumb; just make it a steeper rake and make a hatchback.
I wish it was the full middle of the seats though; kind of looks like scarves in this form.
Wow, I was very impressed when I saw the top image and thought she was making them by layering glass with that special film on one side; like this:
“In short, it’s all simulated.”
If it’s simulated, please let me turn it on on the backroads and off in traffic :)
I love this concept. Too bad it probably died when FCA moved Maserati downmarket. Now that Ferrari is spun off they should move it back up, fill the gap with Alfa, and build this beauty.
The entire lineup looks pretty good imo.
Does anyone looking at an M2 even consider a Mustang?
Soon their biggest mistake will be diluting two of the coolest characters with the EU junk that is Mandalorian lore. I was praying Disney had canned that crap for good; but instead we’re going to further cheapen the Fetts.
The fantastic Peugeot E-Legend concept has screens in the footwells for exactly that.
Not all religions rely on mistranslation of the fairy tale book. Read more carefully; this in no way offends my religion, for instance.
Major points off for them calling a liftback a hatchback.