
Oh, I wasn’t saying that going from 90% to 75% would make any mathematical difference. The orders of magnitude isn’t going to change unless you change the volume by orders of magnitude. I was just noting the lore.

That was revenge, not funsies. Not that revenge justifies genocide.

I guess the Wampa doesn’t count either? Or all the wamprats he bullseyed with his T-16 back home? ;)

Yeah, the whole video is a lot of guesswork. But probably they did, I dunno.

Or children. Let’s not forget he didn’t kill children like some people.

We can look at this pre- and post-retcon, but neither version makes Vader culpable in the actions of the Death Star. In the greater tyranny of the Empire, certainly, but not this particular expression of it.

Well in Empire, the general did tell a stormtrooper to prepare to debark for ground assault, so there is evidence in the movie that it is used for a troop carrier too :P

All these kills Luke made is, after all, training for him to become one of the greatest comic book villains in history.

He blew up an AT-AT, but apart from that... no.

i always thought it was just a pew-pew box of air and machinery. i love starwars

But he didn’t give any orders nor was the officer in charge on the Space Station.

Grand Moff Tarkin directly gave the order and was in charge of the Death Star and all its operations. He wasn’t working for Vader in any kind.
The “was following orders” would only apply to the staff and gunners that followed Grand Moff

Vader is certainly on the hook for the kids in the Jedi Temple, but the real villain of the first movie is Tarkin. I cannot understand why fans minimize his role, he was a fantastic villain and such a creepy one too. Vader mostly just hung around and was little more than a mook himself in that. Tarkin had the Death

Luke destroyed the Death Star. Vader did not destroy Alderaan.

How? Vader literally didn’t do anything except hold Leia.

Vader didn’t relay any orders concerning the Death Star. He didn’t have any authority on it. Tarkin personally ordered Alderaan to be destroyed while Vader stood silently in the sidelines.

I watched it just to see exactly how big a cut of the total it provided.

It is a troop carrier, so yeah

If any one person should get credit for the Aldeeraan kills, it’s Tarkin, not Vader.

But he didn’t order the destruction of Alderaan. He was there, Tarkin gave the order so those numbers would go to him.

That was Grand Moff Tarkin.