
Number 1 is Tarkin with 2 billion and then it’s either Lando or Luke. The second death star was bigger, but not complete, so I don’t know the numbers compared to the first...

It was 2 billion people...

The second one was not completed yet, so Luke probably still killed more. Good guess though

Awesome... Alderaan had 2 billion people, so I guess grand moff tarkin wins in the end. Luke did awesome though. I laughed through most of that. I was like, “wow, Luke really was a butcher and really seemed to of lost no sleep...”

Yes, you are the minority. Did you come to this site just to spew some hateraid?

This was the only way we would be one world government with an Enterprise 200 years from now... ID4 is a lead-up to Star Trek. Star Wars (I love) .5 past light speed after thousands of years. Star Trek, 9 times light speed in about 250 years...