
I think in that case the influencer was being obnoxious about their request-like making it seem like they were doing the hotel a big favor by allowing them to stay there for free. And I believe that was a Valentine’s Day weekend when the hotel expected to be full. 

And that’s usually what they do. Having logged close to 20 years working with luxury hotels and resorts, the vast majority of the guests usually visited based on word of mouth recommendations from friends. That also translated many times in to group business as well (some CEO stays at a hotel and thinks, this would be



But we cancelled them! How are they still around?

Rein in.

Oh definitely. they want us fighting each other so we ignore that they’re saving billions from Trump’s tax cuts. BILLIONS. And how much of that was re-invested in their employees? next to nothing. Jet Blue has 20K employees and everyone got a $1000 bonus. WOW THE GENEROSITY.

I have a friend who is a restaurant reviewer for a newspaper. He has a modest expense account. He takes his job very seriously and hates when people demand freebies. He also hates that some places feel like they need to offer him free meals like they’re being shaken down by the mafia. Glorified Yelpers demanding free

This reads less like a struggle and what I would hope is normal advertising research. “Are the followers on this account real? Is this the best use of ad budget?” etc

I’d say the Queen has some ‘splaining to do.

That woman looks ridiculous because she overdoes it. I think that’s what the OP was asking about.

I flew international coach in 2004 and I SWEAR the leg room was on par with the domestic business class of today. We have to fly at least comfort + because my husband is so tall that he won't fit in normal coach comfortably. But now of course they're making the seats narrower, so even comfort + is less comfortable

1. Stop cleaning your hull.

Here you thought I was a man, where I am, in fact, a cruise ship.

Nah, Botox isn’t going to do that to you. I think most people that look slightly odd overdo it with the fillers, but I do think some women (and men) are kinda gunning for the puffy look anyways. As long as you trust your doc! 

Some of us have no choice because we’re disabled or have other issues. Like the woman who took the video. 

Yeah, it absolutely is and was for decades before the airlines decided to shrink seat size and leg room in exchange for profits. Maybe you don’t remember never flew before 9/11, but many of us were and we remember. 

I'll choose to spend my anger on the airline that deliberately created this environment, as an incentive for passengers to spend more.

They’re saying, just buy a mansion.

What kind of person rents a $40,000 per month mansion for five or more *years*? Assuming it’s the same renter. That’s fiscally irresponsible, even for the fiscally irresponsible.