
Woman solo-parenting on a fight from Charlotte to London with 3 kids. She was at her wits end already from the look of it, and one kid suddenly started barfing all over himself during takeoff. This led to the two other kids also barfing all over themselves. Lots of smelly awful barf all over the middle row of a

As the meeting ended, Miller held up his hand to make a final comment. “I didn’t mean to come across as harsh,” he said. His voice dropped. “It’s just that this is all I care about. I don’t have a family. I don’t have anything else. This is my life.

And the flight attendant's threatening response was worse. The airline needs to fire that person ASAP.

I once sat next to a filthy man who thumbed through a stack of Asian porn mags for the entire five hours.  Interrupted only by shouting “TOMATO JUICE!” every time a flight attendant passed us. 

People who whine constantly about the already well known and pre-established indignities and frustrations of air travel?

Seen? Experienced? Once when I was flying to my college city after winter break, a fellow college student that I vaguely knew sat next to me. I’m a nervous flyer, so I was happy that he was interested in chatting throughout the flight. Except, well, not so much chatting. He just talked at me. Loudly. About his recent

Thanks for the numbers, I just made another reply above that the athletes should be entitled to a share of their team’s revenue/profit and therefore equal on opportunity for earnings and any difference would be based on the team’s popularity and performance, rather than explicitly a gender-gap. If the women’s team is

But the men’s team sucks and hasn’t made any significant improvement in...well ever. So they are an under performing losing team, they should take a pay cut. The women should make more because they actually win games. Have you seen the crowds at USMNT lately? We used to travel to watch them, now they cannot fill a

By the same token, if the US Men’s team were to play the Japan ladies ... they’d lose. Because they suck. ;-)

By your rationale, the men’s team shouldn’t be paid hardly at all because they can’t beat the men’s teams from other countries.

Respectfully, that isn’t what this is about. The question is whether the controlling organization has a legitimate, non-discriminatory reason for the gender disparity in pay. This might work if it were something like, say, stripping or sex work (in an alternate universe where sex work was treated with the respect it

Just a friendly reminder that if you’re going to make the production argument (women should get paid less because they sell fewer tickets/jerseys/advertising minutes/etc.), you are, in fact, making the argument FOR equal pay. Women make less based on production BECAUSE WE ARE SEXIST AF, AND THAT’S WHY THE EQUAL PAY

This is a strange argument because the USMNT doesn’t win against those international teams either.

The fact is that the USWNT could not beat any of the teams the USMNT plays, 9 times out of 10, and everyone involved is aware of that fact.

U.S. Soccer Federation Says Men and Women Who Play Soccer Aren’t Doing the Same Job”

Ok, so just a word of caution (not that anyone here is so stupid as to actually use a homemade tampon), but my PSA for the day: toxic shock can hit you even when you think you’re doing everything right. So definitely do not play around, especially with homemade or “natural” stuff. Years ago I got TSS fom using Tampax

Utterly and completely agree that the USWNT is playing at a vastly higher skill level than the USMNT.  And they are doing so consistently.  Hopefully, willful violation will be proven - because honestly, the only way this gets fixed is if it costs the fuckers a lot of money.

I can’t believe they would even attempt to make this argument. Not only are the rule and pitch the same, but any difference in the facilities used is due to USSF allocating them fewer resources, not from any “difference” in the game. 

They aren’t doing the same job. The women are winning.

Tim Gunn and Isaac Mizrahi should be fucking ashamed of themselves. The way that so many celebrities are falling over themselves to endorse this piece of shit is ridiculous. Of course Judge Judy thinks a revolution isn’t necessary. She’s a rich white woman. Everything’s going great for her.