
Incurable romantic that I am, I’ve always believed that Hell is where the heart is.

Boston is in Maine!

Vegas is north of San Francisco, too. 

Add “English - United Kingdom” to your editing languages for whatever you’re using (I assume it’s an Office-based product).

As a Bernie supporter...all I can say is “Thank you for last night, Elizabeth!”.

Too late? I don’t get to vote for another two months!

Jezebel love Warren.

It’s not a photoshoot, it’s a digital illustration. WarNymph is not modelling Balenciaga because she can’t because she has no body. WarNymph is not being interviewed, but hey, it’s cute if Grimes wants to pretend interviews conducted remotely are some new invention because she’s just so unique and manic pixie dream

Far better.

I’ll bet there are 10x more, and better, Michael Bloomberg stories. 

There are witnesses that said he did and there are no witnesses that said he did not.  You can argue that they are Warren supporters therefore there is a bias, but I look at the overall consistency of his comments whether he’s shading Obama for only being president because he was “charming” to him throwing the black

Also, it’s 60% of Americans that make less than 40k a year.  No where does it say they’re all beginning their careers.  

That's not how it works in other countries that have "free healthcare". Why do you think it has to be that way in America?

I posted this upthread...I howled.  

Why would you have to deal with something like that?

Reminds of the tv shows on Bojack “..and I’m some lady!”

“I feel like you’re the boogeywoman of the right, and I’m the boogeywoman of the left,” co-host Meghan McCain said...”

Well, did you know that she’s the daughter of the late John McCain??? Did you?!  Just watch the show, she’ll tell you (100x’s).

If AOC is the boogeywoman of the right, it’s because she’s out there actually trying to fight for something better for the whole of society.

McCain described Sanders as promoting the “complete paradigm shift of the American system as we know it.”