
I’m so glad that you got that wisdom, and that’s the kind of thing I hope to impart to my own daughter, if that’s the road she takes. My own mother told me, at the ripe old age of 27, that passion was overrated and I was some kind of selfish cow for wanting it in my relationship, and that I should marry my boyfriend

Anyone who would do this is not worth your time; someone who values you and your time won’t let “work get away from me”. I’d advise my daughter to lose that clown’s number.

Who the fuck pulled this dipshit out of the grays? “Swing a penis”? Kiss my ass, transphobe.

When I was dating, I told my mom that I wasn’t going to respond to a guy I’d recently agreed to go out with because he stood me up and his only reason was “work got away from me,” which he didn’t send until five hours after our meeting time. She defended him and basically quoted the crap in this book without ever

There is a great difficulty when trying to divide diverse biological beings into classifications. It becomes decidedly unjust when you remove any trace of autonomy from the equation, and even force people to change their biology in order to fit inside the boxes that have been created, as happened with Semenya.

I’m seeing some confusion about the whole bisexual vs. pansexual thing, so I’m pasting my response here too in hopes it’ll be a bit more visible.

I remember hate reading this book after it came out. It is so incredibly bad. It is based on the lie that in straight relationships, women don’t compromise. That is complete bullshit, from everything I’ve experienced and observed the opposite is true.

I’d like to see them do a “Househunters: Where Are They Now?” episode about a couple getting divorced and looking for new housing. I’m sure there’d be quite a few.

I settled, stayed for 13 years, finally could not stand living with a man who was a good father but little else, and left. Was lucky enough to meet the love of my life at 43 and we have been together for 12 years. My first marriage destroyed me financially and, for a time, emotionally.


Okay, bisexuality also encapsulates attractions to people with gender identities that don’t adhere to the binary, but we’ll press on.

Isn’t that pansexuality ? bi means two, which kinda implies the 2 major genders / adherance to binary

AM I wrong on this ? If so I might’ve been self identifying somewhat wrong for

I listened to my mom instead of Gottlieb, which is to say: I listened to myself.

I feel like the film/entertainment business threw Weinstein out (after 30 years of mounting evidence they all knew about at the time) and are now like “Well, that’s that! No more problems in our industry!” and have let the other predators like Polanski just slither on.

France, can we talk?

You really cant. Trans-males will always be at a significant disadvantage, and trans-females will always have a advantage. Even if when we find a way to develop proper sex organs that dont get rejected by the body, the underlying structure that you mentioned will still be there.

Ultimately, the fight for inclusiveness

I came up with one possible one. The Paralympics clearly do not throw all athletes into the same race - no one would reject how unfair it would be to have a very modestly impaired athlete competing against a more significantly impaired athlete. Thus, Paralympic athletes are classified by classifiers into sport classes

Ah, regarding “biological”, it’s a bit of a sore point because it implies that trans women are artificial or unreal in some way. “Cis women” or “non-trans women” would both be better terms.

That’s fair, and I agree that we should definitely be mindful of fairness and do everything we can to ensure an even field. My concern is that a lot of people tend to reach the point of “Male-bodied person in women’s sports” and their brain turns off. Even in this comment section there are people just blanket

The lawsuit in question is about high-school athletes, rather than collegiate ones. It’s been filed by the Alliance Defending Freedom, who have been on the losing side in many a social issue: Religious displays on public property, gay marriage, women’s right to choose, same-sex adoption, and legal recognition of trans

Sure, just as soon as I can beat my cubicle neighbor for clipping his nails at his desk without it being labeled “assault and battery.”

I see Rose’s point though.